Code Examples for Padauk MCUs using the free-pdk toolchain
Warning: This is a work in progress and may change significantly before being considered stable. Use at your own risk.
Inspiration: These examples were inspired by the Arduino Built-In Examples that have been placed into the public domain.
Code Examples:
- BlinkLED - Turns an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. Uses a timing loop for delays.
- BlinkLED_WithIRQ - Turns an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. Uses a timer interrupt for delays.
- FadeLED - Uses PWM to fade an LED in and out, repeatedly.
- ReadButton_WriteLED - Reads a Button (digital input), and turns on an LED when active.
- Serial_HelloWorld - Transmits "Hello World" over Serial @ ~115200 baud, and repeats once a second.
- ReadButton_WriteSerial - Reads a Button (digital input), and transmits the results over Serial @ ~115200 baud.
- ReadAnalog_FadeLED (TODO...) - Reads an analog input, and uses PWM to set the brightness of an LED.
- ReadAnalog_WriteSerial (TODO...) - Reads an analog input, and transmits the results over Serial @ ~115200 baud.
- ReadAnalog_WriteAverageSerial (TODO...) - Reads an analog input, calculates a rolling average, and transmits the results over Serial @ ~115200 baud.
- EchoSerial (TODO...) - Echos back over Serial every line that is received.
- ReadSerial_FadeLED (TODO...) - Reads a value over Serial, and uses PWM to set the brightness of an LED.