karel-brinda / MiniPhy

Phylogenetic compression of extremely large genome collections [661k β†˜πŸ­πŸ²π—šπ—Άπ—• | BIGSIdata β†˜πŸ°πŸ΄π—šπ—Άπ—• | AllTheBact'23 β†˜πŸ³πŸ±π—šπ—Άπ—•]
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assemblies bacteria bioinformatics compression genomes indexing k-mers mof phylogenetic-compression phylogeny prophyle

MiniPhy – Minimization via Phylogenetic compression (former MOF-Compress)

Workflow for phylogenetic compression of microbial genomes, producing highly compressed .tar.xz genome archives. MiniPhy first estimates the evolutionary history of user-provided genomes and then uses it for guiding their compression using XZ. The resulting archives can be distributed to users or re-compressed/indexed by other methods. For more information, see the website of phylogenetic compression and the associated paper.

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* [1. Introduction](#1-introduction) * [2. Dependencies](#2-dependencies) * [2a. Essential dependencies](#2a-essential-dependencies) * [2b. Protocol-specific dependencies](#2b-protocol-specific-dependencies) * [3. Installation](#3-installation) * [4. Usage](#4-usage) * [4a. Basic example](#4a-basic-example) * [4b. Adjusting configuration](#4b-adjusting-configuration) * [4c. List of implemented protocols](#4c-list-of-implemented-protocols) * [4d. List of workflow commands](#4d-list-of-workflow-commands) * [4e. Running on a cluster](#4e-running-on-a-cluster) * [4f. Troubleshooting](#4f-troubleshooting) * [5. Citation](#5-citation) * [6. Issues](#6-issues) * [7. Changelog](#7-changelog) * [8. License](#8-license) * [9. Contacts](#9-contacts) ## 1. Introduction The user provides files of files for individual batches in the `input/` directory and specifies the requested compression protocols in the [configuration file](config.yaml). It is assumed that the input genomes are provided as batches of phylogenetically related genomes, of up to approx. 10k genomes per batch (for more information on batching strategies, see the [paper](http://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.15.536996)). Upon the execution by `make`, MiniPhy performs phylogenetic compression of the assemblies or associated de Bruijn graphs. All the compressed outputs and the calculated statistics are then placed in `output/`. ## 2. Dependencies ### 2a. Essential dependencies * [Conda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) (unless the use of Conda is switched off in the configuration) and ideally also [Mamba](https://mamba.readthedocs.io/) (>= 0.20.0) * [GNU Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) * [Python](https://www.python.org/) (>=3.7) * [Snakemake](https://snakemake.github.io) (>=6.2.0) * [XZ](https://tukaani.org/xz/) and can be installed by Conda by ```bash conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults \ make "python>=3.7" "snakemake-minimal>=6.2.0" "mamba>=0.20.0" ``` ### 2b. Protocol-specific dependencies These are installed automatically by Snakemake when they are requested; for instance, ProPhyle is not installed unless Protocol 3 is used. The specifications of individual environments can be found in [`workflow/envs/`](workflow/envs/), and they contain: [Attotree](https://github.com/karel-brinda/attotree), [ETE 3](http://etetoolkit.org/), [SeqTK](https://github.com/lh3/seqtk), [xopen](https://pypi.org/project/xopen/), [Pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/), [Jellyfish 2](https://github.com/gmarcais/Jellyfish), [ProphAsm](https://github.com/prophyle/prophasm), and [ProPhyle](https://prophyle.github.io). All non-essential dependencies across all protocols can also be installed at once by `make conda`. ## 3. Installation Clone and enter the repository by ```bash git clone https://github.com/karel-brinda/miniphy cd miniphy ``` Alternatively, the repository can also be installed using cURL by ```bash mkdir miniphy cd miniphy curl -L https://github.com/karel-brinda/miniphy/tarball/main \ | tar xvf - --strip-components=1 ``` ## 4. Usage ### 4a. Basic example * ***Step 1: Provide lists of input files.*** \ For every batch, create a txt list of input files in the `input/` directory (i.e., as `input/{batch_name}.txt`. Use either absolute paths (recommended), or paths relative to the root of the Github repository (not relative to the txt files). Such a list can be generated, for instance, by `find` by ```bash find ~/dir_with_my_genomes -name '*.fa' > input/my_first_batch.txt ``` The supported input file formats include FASTA and FASTQ (possibly compressed by GZip). * ***Step 2 (optional): Provide corresponding phylogenies.*** \ Instead of estimating phylogenies by [Attotree](https://github.com/karel-brinda/attotree) (similar functionality like [Mashtree](https://github.com/lskatz/mashtree)), it is possible to supply custom phylogenies in the Newick format. The tree files should be named `input/{batch_name}.nw`, and the leave names inside should correspond to FASTA filenames (without FASTA suffixes). * ***Step 3 (optional): Adjust configuration.*** \ By editing [`config.yaml`](config.yaml) it is possible to specify compression protocols, data analyzes, and low-level parameters (see below). * ***Step 4: Run the pipeline.*** \ Run the pipeline by `make`; this is run Snakemake with the corresponding parameters. * ***Step 5: Retrieve the output files.*** \ All output files will be located in `output/`. ### 4b. Adjusting configuration The workflow can be configured via the [`config.yaml`](./config.yaml) file, and all options are documented directly there. The configurable functionality includes: * switching off Conda, * protocols to use (asm, dGSs, dBGs with propagation), * analyzes to include (sequence and *k*-mer statistics), * *k* for de Bruijn graph and *k*-mer counting, * Attotree parameters (phylogeny estimation), * XZ parameters (low-level compression), or * JellyFish parameters (*k*-mer counting). ### 4c. List of implemented protocols
Protocol Representation Description Product
Protocol 1
Assemblies Left-to-right reordering of the assemblies according to the phylogeny output/asm/{batch}.tar.xz
original assemblies in FASTA (1)
Protocol 2
de Bruijn graphs Simplitigs from individual assemblies, left-to-right reordering of their files output/pre/{batch}.tar.xz
with simplitig text files, representing individual de Bruijn graphs
Protocol 3
de Bruijn graphs Bottom-up k-mer propagation using ProPhyle, simplitigs at individual nodes of the tree, and left-to-right re-ordering of the obtained files output/post/{batch}.tar.xz
simplitig text files per individual nodes of the tree (2)
(1) In FASTA 1-line format and all sequences converted to uppercase (unless switche off in the configuration).
(2) The original de Bruijn graphs can be obtained by merging k-mer sets along the respetive root-to-leaf paths.
### 4d. List of workflow commands MiniPhy is executed via [GNU Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/), which handles all parameters and passes them to Snakemake. Here's a list of all implemented commands (to be executed as `make {command}`): ```yaml ###################### ## General commands ## ###################### all Run everything (the default subcommand) help Print help messages conda Create the conda environments clean Clean all output archives and files with statistics cleanall Clean everything but Conda, Snakemake, and input files cleanallall Clean completely everything ############### ## Reporting ## ############### viewconf View configuration without comments reports Create html report #################### ## For developers ## #################### test Run the workflow on test data (P1) bigtest Run the workflow on test data (P1, P2, P3) format Reformat all source code checkformat Check source code format ``` *Note:* `make format` and `make checkformat` require [YAPF](https://github.com/google/yapf) and [Snakefmt](https://github.com/snakemake/snakefmt), which can be installed by `conda install -c conda-forge -bioconda yapf snakefmt`. ### 4e. Running on a cluster Cluster-related parameters for Snakemake can be added via the `SMK_CLUSTER_ARGS` Make variable. Example: ```bash make SMK_CLUSTER_ARGS="--profile my_snakemake_cluster_profile" ``` ### 4f. Troubleshooting Tests can be run by `make test` (just Protocol 1) or `make bigtest` (all the protocols). ## 5. Citation > K. Brinda, L. Lima, S. Pignotti, N. Quinones-Olvera, K. Salikhov, R. Chikhi, G. Kucherov, Z. Iqbal, and M. Baym. **[Efficient and Robust Search of Microbial Genomes via Phylogenetic Compression](https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.15.536996).** *bioRxiv* 2023.04.15.536996, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.15.536996 ```bibtex @article {PhylogeneticCompression, author = {Karel B{\v r}inda and Leandro Lima and Simone Pignotti and Natalia Quinones-Olvera and Kamil Salikhov and Rayan Chikhi and Gregory Kucherov and Zamin Iqbal and Michael Baym}, title = {Efficient and Robust Search of Microbial Genomes via Phylogenetic Compression}, journal = {bioRxiv}, elocation-id = {2023.04.15.536996}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1101/2023.04.15.536996}, url = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2023/04/16/2023.04.15.536996} } ``` ## 6. Issues Please use [Github issues](https://github.com/karel-brinda/miniphy/issues). ## 7. Changelog See [Releases](https://github.com/karel-brinda/miniphy/releases). ## 8. License [MIT](https://github.com/karel-brinda/miniphy/blob/master/LICENSE) ## 9. Contacts * [Karel Brinda](https://brinda.eu) \ * [Leandro Lima](https://github.com/leoisl) \