keith2018 / spvm

Tiny C++ SPIR-V virtual machine (interpreter), can be used for shader debugging. Spvm-ShaderToy simulated the runtime environment of shadertoy, and execute shader code using SPVM.
MIT License
137 stars 25 forks source link
debugging glsl interpreter khronos opcode opengl shader shadertoy spir-v spirv virtual-machine vulkan


Tiny C++ SPIR-V virtual machine (interpreter), you can use it to debug shaders: first compile your shader code(GLSL/HLSL) to SPIR-V binary file (using tools such as glslangValidator), then decode and execute entry point function main with SPVM, and check the output.

License CMake Linux CMake MacOS CMake Windows

Specifications that the project follows is:



The project is still working in progress ...


Spvm-ShaderToy simulated the runtime environment of shadertoy, and execute shader code using SPVM (may very slow 😀).



GLSL fragment shader (see example/shaders/simple.frag)

#version 450

layout (location = 0) in vec3 inColor;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 outFragColor;

void main()
    outFragColor = vec4(inColor.yxz, 1.0f);

run with spvm (see example/main.cpp)

#define HEAP_SIZE 128 * 1024
const char *SPV_PATH = "shaders/simple.frag.spv";

SPVM::SpvmModule module;
SPVM::Runtime runtime;

// decode spir-v file
bool success = SPVM::Decoder::decodeFile(SPV_PATH, &module);
if (!success) {
  std::cout << "error decode spir-v file";
  return -1;

// init runtime
success = runtime.initWithModule(&module, HEAP_SIZE);
if (!success) {
  std::cout << "error init module";
  return -1;

// get uniform locations
SPVM::SpvmWord inColorLoc = runtime.getLocationByName("inColor");
SPVM::SpvmWord outFragColorLoc = runtime.getLocationByName("outFragColor");

// write input
float inColor[3]{0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f};
runtime.writeInput(inColor, inColorLoc);

// execute shader entry function 'main'
success = runtime.execEntryPoint();
if (!success) {
  std::cout << "error exec entrypoint function";
  return -1;

// read output
float outFragColor[4];
runtime.readOutput(outFragColor, outFragColorLoc);

std::cout << "outFragColor[0]: " << outFragColor[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "outFragColor[1]: " << outFragColor[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << "outFragColor[2]: " << outFragColor[2] << std::endl;
std::cout << "outFragColor[3]: " << outFragColor[3] << std::endl;


git clone --recursive
cd spvm


mkdir build
cmake -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build ./build --config Release


cd build


This code is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE).