Hugo is a 4-button ESP8266 Wi-Fi Remote, Arduino compatible and simple to use.
This project is archived now, don't expect any updates. Hardware and firmware are to be considered final. If you want to make this, you can use pre-compiled binaries in the Releases section.
RELEASE 1.4.1 bugfix (16/11/2019)
RELEASE 1.4 (3/11/2019)
RELEASE 1.3 MQTT (24/8/2019):
RELEASE 1.3 (14/7/2019):
3D printable case available here:
Want to make your own? Head over to Schematic directory for schematic and a list of compontents.
If you use diyHue emulator, just head to Firmwares directory for diyHueTapSwitch sketch!
diyHue github: