motleystate / moonstone

Library to perform Metagenomics data analysis with Python
MIT License
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analysis bioinformatics hacktoberfest metagenomics metagenomics-counts pandas-dataframe python visualization


Python package Documentation Status codecov

Moonstone aims to provide a way of performing analysis of metagenomics counts from raw data to statistical analysis and visualization of the results.

Thus, in moonstone you will find:

The main idea is to keep track of every steps applied to a raw data to be able to easily share the analysis and reproduce it.

Please check our documentation for more information.

Install moonstone

Set up a Python 3 virtual env, for instance:

python3 -m virtualenv moonstone
source moonstone/bin/activate
(moonstone) $

Then simply install the last published version of moonstone:

(moonstone) $ pip install moonstone

You can also install dependencies required for development : pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.

Quickstart with moonstone on the command-line

More detailed documentation is available on the documentation.

Moonstone is directly callable from your terminal for available built-in analysis scripts:

(moonstone) $ moonstone --help
usage: moonstone [-h] [-f filtering] [-p] [-k clusters] [-s variable]
                 [-sr variable] [-sc variable] [-rf variable]
                 countfile metadata

Microbiota Analysis Scripts for Machine LEarning

positional arguments:
  countfile     Normalized count file input
  metadata      Clinical data input file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -f filtering  Minimum mean reads per variable: use a float >0
  -p            Generates PCA plot of data
  -k clusters   Runs K-Means clustering. Provide number of clusters
  -s variable   Run SVMachine Classification
  -sr variable  SVM Classifier with ROC Analysis
  -sc variable  SVM and output Classifier Components
  -rf variable  Random Forest Analysis, using supplied variable

Development guide

To work on a new feature, related or not to an issue, we open a new branch from the development (currently master) branch to work on it.

If an issue is opened, we recommend to name your branch with the issue number at the begining, e.g. 5-my-new-feature

Once done, work is reviewed through a pull request.