nasqar / deseq2shiny

a web-based R shiny application that wraps DESeq2 R package
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bioinformatics bulk-rna-seq deseq2 r rna-seq rna-seq-analysis rshiny shiny shinyapps visualization webapplication

DESeq2Shiny: a web-based app based on the DESeq2 R package for RNA-seq counts data exploratory analysis and differential expression


This Shiny app is a wrapper around DESeq2, an R package for "Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution".

It is meant to provide an intuitive interface for researchers to easily upload, analyze, visualize, and explore RNAseq count data interactively with no prior programming knowledge in R.

This tool supports simple or multi-factorial experimental design. It also allows for exploratory analysis when no replicates are available.

The app also provides svaseq Surrogate Variable Analysis for hidden batch effect detection. The user can then include Surrogate Variables (SVs) as adjustment factors for downstream analysis (eg. differential expression). For more information on svaseq, go to this link


You can try it online at


NASQAR: A web-based platform for High-throughput sequencing data analysis and visualization


Various visualizations and output data are included:

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