nikh1508 / skid4wd_ws

Four Wheel Skid Drive Simulation in Gazebo
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gazebo ros ros-control simulation

Four Wheel Skid Drive

Catkin Workspace for my own Four Wheel Skid Drive Simulation. The packages in this workspace contains URDF Description and Controller for the robot.

Rendered Image


This repository is a catkin-workspace itself, therefore it can be cloned anywhere. To start the simulation in Gazebo do the below steps. [It is expected that all the required packages are already installed.]

git clone
cd skid4wd_ws
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.zsh # change according to your ROS version
source devel/setup.zsh # or setup.bash | depending on the shell you use

# Finally launch the simulation
roslaunch skid4wd_description sim_with_controller.launch

The simulation is started in paused state. Resume the simulation by clicking on the play button on the lower panel in Gazebo.

To avoid sourcing the setup.zsh files everytime you open a new terminal, copy these lines to your .zshrc or .bashrc :

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.zsh # or setup.bash | depending on the shell you use
source {path to skid4wd}/devel/setup.zsh

To steer the robot you can use teleop_twist_keyboard or rqt_robot_steering. To launch rqt_robot_steering run this on another terminal :

roslaunch skid4wd_description rqt_steering.launch

Visualize in RViz

To start RViz with proper configuration use the launch file provided. Make sure that the Gazebo simulation is unpaused, or RViz will give TF errors.

roslaunch skid4wd_description rviz.launch