pllittle / CSeQTLworkflow

This readme repository contains sample codes for executing steps within our manuscript
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cibersort deconvolution eqtl-mapping gene-expression icedt rna-seq


Introduction and Outline

This repository contains template codes for runnings workflow steps including

for our manuscript Cell Type-Specific Expression Quantitative Trait Loci.

Reference Data

GTEx Brain and Blood

Since GTEx samples are available on the NHGRI AnVIL cloud, they were processed using a combination of Docker and WDL with details provided in this repository.

CommonMind Consortium

Click to expand! Code to obtain CMC inputs ```R # Install package install.packages("synapser", repos = c("","")) library(synapser) # Login to Synapse username = "." # your username password = "." # your password synLogin(username,password) down_dir = "." # user-specified directory to download files # Function used to download files entity = "syn4600989" # an example SYN ID unique to a file synGet(entity = entity,downloadLocation = down_dir) # List of SYN_IDs, use synGet() to download "syn4600989" # CMC Human sampleIDkey metadata "syn4600985" # QC'd genotype bed file data "syn4600987" # QC'd bim file "syn4600989" # QC fam file "syn4935690" # README file "syn5600756" # list of outlier samples "syn18080588" # SampleID key "syn3354385" # clinical data "syn18358379" # RNAseq meta/QC data # List of BAM SYN_IDs tableId = "syn11638850" results = synTableQuery(smart_sprintf("select * from %s where species='Human' and dataType='geneExpression'", tableId)) # results$filepath aa = aa = aa[grep("bam",aa$name),] aa = aa[grep("accepted",aa$name),] # excluding unmapped bam files dim(aa) saveRDS(aa,"aligned_bam_files.rds") # Download BAM files one by one BAM_dir = "./BAM"; dir.create(BAM_dir) for(samp in sort(unique(aa$specimenID))){ samp_dir = file.path(BAM_dir,samp) dir.create(samp_dir) samp_syn_ids = aa$id[which(aa$specimenID == samp)] for(samp_syn_id in samp_syn_ids){ synGet(entity = samp_syn_id,down_dir = samp_dir) } cat("\n") } # SNP6 annotation CSV file tmp_link = "" tmp_link = file.path(tmp_link,"downloads/na35/genotyping") tmp_link = file.path(tmp_link,"") system(sprintf("wget %s",tmp_link)) ```


Click to expand! * Download metadata and BAMs with [Pyega3]( * `cred_file.json` contains user login information * To obtain metadata, ```Shell # for example dataset=EGAD00001002663 # genotypes # dataset=EGAD00001002671 # purified cell type 1 # dataset=EGAD00001002674 # purified cell type 2 # dataset=EGAD00001002675 # purified cell type 3 # Download metadata code pyega3 -cf cred_file.json files $dataset ``` * To obtain BAM files one by one, ```Shell # num threads/cores nt=1 # Example file id per BAM id=EGAF00001330176 # Download code pyega3 -cf cred_file.json -c $nt fetch $id ```

BAM workflow

Click to expand! * BamToFastq
Click to expand! For paired-end reads ```Shell java -Xmx4g -jar picard.jar SamToFastq \ INPUT=input.bam FASTQ=output_1.fastq.gz \ SECOND_END_FASTQ=output_2.fastq.gz \ UNPAIRED_FASTQ=output_unpair.fastq.gz \ INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS=true VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT ``` For single-end reads ```Shell java -Xmx4g -jar picard.jar SamToFastq \ INPUT=input.bam FASTQ=output.fastq \ INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS=true \ VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT ```
* Build STAR index
Click to expand! ```Shell fasta_fn=Homo_sapiens_assembly38_noALT_noHLA_noDecoy_ERCC.fasta gtf_fn=gencode.v26.GRCh38.ERCC.genes.gtf STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \ --genomeDir ./star_index \ --genomeFastaFiles $fasta_fn \ --sjdbGTFfile $gtf_fn \ --sjdbOverhang 99 --runThreadN 1 ```
* Run STAR for read alignment
Click to expand! For paired-end reads ```Shell STAR --runMode alignReads \ --runThreadN 1 --genomeDir ./star_index --twopassMode Basic \ --outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --alignSJoverhangMin 8 \ --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 \ --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.1 --alignIntronMin 20 \ --alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 \ --outFilterType BySJout --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.33 \ --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.33 --limitSjdbInsertNsj 1200000 \ --readFilesIn output_1.fastq.gz output_2.fastq.gz \ --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix output_hg38 \ --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outFilterIntronMotifs None \ --alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds Yes --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM \ GeneCounts --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --outSAMunmapped Within \ --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --chimSegmentMin 15 \ --chimJunctionOverhangMin 15 --chimOutType WithinBAM SoftClip \ --chimMainSegmentMultNmax 1 --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM NM ch \ --outSAMattrRGline ID:rg1 SM:sm1 ``` For single-end reads ```Shell STAR --runMode alignReads \ --runThreadN 1 --genomeDir ./star_index --twopassMode Basic \ --outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --alignSJoverhangMin 8 \ --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 \ --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.1 --alignIntronMin 20 \ --alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 \ --outFilterType BySJout --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.33 \ --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.33 --limitSjdbInsertNsj 1200000 \ --readFilesIn output.fastq.gz --readFilesCommand zcat \ --outFileNamePrefix output_hg38 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif \ --outFilterIntronMotifs None --alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds Yes \ --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \ --outSAMunmapped Within --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory \ --chimSegmentMin 15 --chimJunctionOverhangMin 15 \ --chimOutType WithinBAM SoftClip --chimMainSegmentMultNmax 1 \ --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM NM ch \ --outSAMattrRGline ID:rg1 SM:sm1 ```
* MarkDuplicates
Click to expand! ```Shell # Sort reads by coordinate samtools sort -@ 0 -o output_hg38.sortedByCoordinate.bam \ output_hg38Aligned.out.bam # Make bam index samtools index -b -@ 1 output_hg38.sortedByCoordinate.bam # MarkDuplicates java -Xmx4g -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates \ INPUT=output_hg38.sortedByCoordinate.bam \ \ M=out.marked_dup_metrics.txt ASSUME_SORT_ORDER=coordinate ``` Process post-markduplicate sorted bam ```Shell # Count num reads in bam samtools view -c -@ 0 # Re-index bam samtools index -b -@ 1 ```
* Get TReC and ASReC Download asSeq source package
Click to expand! ```Shell url= url=$url/master/asSeq_0.99.501.tar.gz wget $url ```
Install R package and run `asSeq` to get unique reads and filter
Click to expand! ```R install.packages(pkgs = "asSeq_0.99.501.tar.gz", type = "source",repos = NULL) PE = TRUE # set TRUE for paired-end samples # set FALSE for single-end flag1 = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE,isDuplicate = FALSE, isNotPassingQualityControls = FALSE, isSupplementaryAlignment = FALSE,isProperPair = PE) param1 = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = flag1, what = "seq",mapqFilter = 255) bam_file = "" bam_filt_fn = "output.filtered.asSeq.bam" Rsamtools::filterBam(file = bam_file, destination = bam_filt_fn, param = param1) ```
Create exon image file
Click to expand! ```R gtf_fn = "gencode.v26.GRCh38.ERCC.genes.gtf.gz" exdb = GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF(file = gtf_fn, format = "gtf") exons_list_per_gene = GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(exdb, by = "gene") gtf_rds_fn = "exon_by_genes_gencode_v26.rds" saveRDS(exons_list_per_gene,gtf_rds_fn) ```
Get total read count (TReC)
Click to expand! ```R genes = readRDS(gtf_rds_fn) bamfile = Rsamtools::BamFileList(bam_filt_fn, yieldSize = 1000000) se = GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(features = genes, reads = bamfile,mode = "Union",singleEnd = !PE, ignore.strand = TRUE,fragments = PE) ct = ```
Filter reads by Qname
Click to expand! ```Shell samtools sort -n -o output.filtered.asSeq.sortQ.bam \ output.filtered.asSeq.bam ```
Extract allele-specific reads, outputs hap1.bam, hap2.bam, hapN.bam
Click to expand! ```R het_snp_fn = "" # Columns: chr, position, hap1 allele, hap2 allele # no header bam_filt_sortQ_fn = "output.filtered.asSeq.sortQ" asSeq::extractAsReads(input = sprintf("%s.bam",bam_filt_sortQ_fn), snpList = het_snp_fn,min.avgQ = 20,min.snpQ = 20) ```
Count allele-specific read counts (ASReC)
Click to expand! ```R se1 = GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(features = genes, reads = sprintf("%s_hap1.bam",bam_filt_sortQ_fn),mode = "Union", singleEnd = !PE,ignore.strand = TRUE,fragments = PE) se2 = GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(features = genes, reads = sprintf("%s_hap2.bam",bam_filt_sortQ_fn),mode = "Union", singleEnd = !PE,ignore.strand = TRUE,fragments = PE) seN = GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(features = genes, reads = sprintf("%s_hapN.bam",bam_filt_sortQ_fn),mode = "Union", singleEnd = !PE,ignore.strand = TRUE,fragments = PE) ```
Save read counts
Click to expand! ```R ct1 = ct2 = ctN = cts = cbind(ct,ct1,ct2,ctN) # trec, hap1, hap2, hapN dim(cts); cts[1:2,] out_fn = "output.trecase.txt" write.table(cts,file = out_fn,quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", eol = "\n") ```


Click to expand! * Signature expression derived from single cell RNAseq * [Middle Temporaral Gyrus]( * [Pipeline/Workflow]( to perform quality control on samples and genes, perform dimension reduction, clustering, and compare cluster assignments to existing cell type labeling. The signature matrix for brain that we have used is [signature_MTG.rds]( * [Downstream differential expression analysis]( * Comments: * Transcripts per million (TPM), gene count normalized by exonic gene length and then all genes are normalized by total normalized gene count, then multipled by 1 million * Cell sizes: For brain, summation of gene count normalized by exonic gene length. For blood, obtained from EPIC and ICeDT papers. * Deconvolution Inputs * Bulk RNA-seq TPM (`bulk_tpm`), * scRNA-seq TPM (`sig_tpm`), * cell sizes * Template code Input variables and objects. Make sure the genes are ordered consistently between `sig_tpm` and `bulk_tpm` ```R work_dir = "." # working directory setwd(work_dir) sig_tpm # TPM signature expression matrix bulk_tpm # TPM bulk expression matrix ``` CIBERSORT: [[Paper](, [Software](] ```R sig_fn = file.path(work_dir,"signature.txt") mix_fn = file.path(work_dir,"mixture.txt") write.table(cbind(rowname=rownames(sig_tpm),sig_tpm), file = sig_fn,sep = "\t",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE) write.table(cbind(rowname=rownames(bulk_tpm),bulk_tpm), file = mix_fn,sep = "\t",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE) source("CIBERSORT.R") # obtained from CIBERSORT website results = CIBERSORT(sig_matrix = sig_fn,mixture_file = mix_fn, perm = 0,QN = FALSE,absolute = FALSE,abs_method = 'sig.score', filename = "DECON") unlink(x = c(sig_fn,mix_fn)) ciber_fn = sprintf("CIBERSORT-Results_%s.txt","DECON") unlink(ciber_fn) QQ = ncol(sig_tpm) # Extract proportion of transcripts per cell type per sample pp_bar_ciber = results[,seq(QQ)] # Calculate proportion of cell types per sample pp_hat_ciber = t(apply(pp_bar_ciber,1,function(xx){ yy = xx / cell_sizes; yy / sum(yy) })) ``` ICeDT: [[Paper](, [Software](] ```R fit = ICeDT::ICeDT(Y = bulk_tpm,Z = sig_tpm, tumorPurity = rep(0,ncol(bulk_tpm)),refVar = NULL, rhoInit = NULL,maxIter_prop = 4e3, maxIter_PP = 4e3,rhoConverge = 1e-2) # Extract proportion of transcripts per cell type per sample pp_bar_icedt = t(fit$rho)[,-1] # Calculate proportion of cell type per sample pp_hat_icedt = t(apply(pp_bar_icedt,1,function(xx){ yy = xx / cell_sizes; yy / sum(yy) })) ```

eQTL mapping

Click to expand! * **BULK** mode: If running bulk analyses, set `RHO` to a matrix with `N` rows and 1 column and set `XX_trecPC` to residual TReC PCs calculated **without accounting** for cell types. * **Cell type-specific (CTS)** mode: If running cell type-specific analyses, set `RHO` to estimated cell type proportions and set `XX_trecPC` to **proportion-adjusted** residual TReC PCs. * Example codes
Click to expand! Inputs ```R devtools::install_github("pllittle/smarter") devtools::install_github("pllittle/CSeQTL") # Sample-specific variables RHO # cell type proportions matrix XX_base # baseline covariates, continuous variables centered XX_genoPC # genotype PCs, centered XX_trecPC # residual TReC PCs, centered XX = cbind(Int = 1,XX_base,XX_genoPC,XX_trecPC) # Gene and sample variables TREC # TReC vector SNP # phased genotype vector hap2 # 2nd haplotype counts ASREC # total haplotype counts = hap1 + hap2 PHASE # Indicator vector of whether or not to use haplotype counts # Tuning arguments trim # TRUE for trimmed analysis, FALSE for untrimmed thres_TRIM # if trim = TRUE, the Cooks' distance cutoff to trim sample TReCs ncores # number of threads/cores to parallelize the loop, improve runtime # ASREC-related cutoffs to satisfy to use allele-specific read counts numAS # cutoff to determine if a sample has sufficient read counts numASn # cutoff of samples having ASREC >= numAS numAS_het # minimum number for sum(ASREC >= numAS & SNP %in% c(1,2)) cistrans # p-value cutoff on cis/trans testing to determine which p-value # (TReC-only or TReC+ASReC) to report ``` eQTL mapping for one gene ```R gs_out = CSeQTL_GS(XX = XX,TREC = TREC,SNP = SNP,hap2 = hap2, ASREC = ASREC,PHASE = PHASE,RHO = RHO,trim = trim, thres_TRIM = 20,numAS = 5,numASn = 5,numAS_het = 5, cistrans = 0.01,ncores = ncores,show = TRUE) ``` Hypothesis testing output. Matrices where rows are genomic loci and columns are cell types for **CTS** mode or a single column for **BULK** mode. ```R # TReC-only likelihood ratio test statistics with 1 DF gs_out$LRT_trec # TReC+ASReC likelihood ratio test statistics with 1 DF gs_out$LRT_trecase # Cis/Trans likelihood ratio test statistics with 1 DF gs_out$LRT_cistrans ```


Click to expand! * Functional Enrichment with [Torus]( with example code provided below based on this [markdown with examples and documentation]( ```Shell torus -d eqtls.gz \ -smap snpMap.gz \ -gmap geneMap.gz \ -annot annot.gz \ -est > output_enrich ``` * GWAS Enrichment with Jackknife-based inference ```R library(CSeQTL) work_dir = "." # specify a work directory # Download GWAS catalog gwas = CSeQTL:::get_GWAS_catalog(work_dir = work_dir) ``` Inputs * `DATA`: R data.frame containing headers 'Chr', 'POS', and columns leading with 'EE_' such as `'EE_Astrocyte'`, `'EE_Excitatory'` corresponding to eQTL binary indicators 0 or 1. Rows correspond to gene/SNP pairings * `which_gwas`: Either `'gwas_catalog'` or some specific grouped phenotype * `nBLOCKS`: Specify the block size for jackknife estimation and inference Code ```R # Run GWAS enrichment enrich_final = c() ## Across all phenotypes enrich_catalog = CSeQTL:::run_gwasEnrich_analysis(DATA = DATA, work_dir = work_dir,which_gwas = "gwas_catalog", nBLOCKS = 200,verbose = TRUE) enrich_final = rbind(enrich_final,enrich_catalog) ## Per grouped phenotype all_phenos = unique(gwas$myPHENO) all_phenos = all_phenos[all_phenos != "gwas_catalog"] for(pheno in all_phenos){ enrich_pheno = CSeQTL:::run_gwasEnrich_analysis(DATA = DATA, work_dir = work_dir,which_gwas = pheno, nBLOCKS = 200,verbose = TRUE) enrich_final = rbind(enrich_final,enrich_pheno) } ```