refresh-bio / kmer-db

Kmer-db is a fast and memory-efficient tool for large-scale k-mer analyses (indexing, querying, estimating evolutionary relationships, etc.).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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bioinformatics genomics indexing k-mer sequence-similarity


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x86-64 ARM Apple M Windows Linux macOS

Kmer-db is a fast and memory-efficient tool for large-scale k-mer analyses (indexing, querying, estimating evolutionary relationships, etc.).

Quick start

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd kmer-db && make

mkdir $OUTPUT

# build a database from all 18-mers (default) contained in a set of sequences
./kmer-db build $INPUT/seqs.part1.list $OUTPUT/k18.db

# establish numbers of common k-mers between new sequences and the database
./kmer-db new2all $OUTPUT/k18.db $INPUT/seqs.part2.list $OUTPUT/n2a.csv

# calculate jaccard index from common k-mers
./kmer-db distance $OUTPUT/n2a.csv

# extend the database with new sequences
./kmer-db build -extend $INPUT/seqs.part2.list $OUTPUT/k18.db

# establish numbers of common k-mers between all sequences in the database
./kmer-db all2all $OUTPUT/k18.db $OUTPUT/a2a.csv

# build a database from 10% of 25-mers using 16 threads
./kmer-db build -k 25 -f 0.1 -t 16 $INPUT/seqs.part1.list $OUTPUT/k25.db

# establish number of common 25-mers between single sequence and the database 
# (minhash filtering that retains 10% of MT159713 k-mers is done automatically prior to the comparison)  
./kmer-db one2all $OUTPUT/k25.db $INPUT/data/MT159713.fasta $OUTPUT/MT159713.csv

# build two partial databases
./kmer-db build $INPUT/seqs.part1.list  $OUTPUT/k18.parts1.db
./kmer-db build $INPUT/seqs.part2.list  $OUTPUT/k18.parts2.db

# establish numbers of common k-mers between all sequences in the databases,
# computations are done in the sparse mode, the output matrix is also sparse
echo $OUTPUT/k18.parts1.db > $OUTPUT/db.list
echo $OUTPUT/k18.parts2.db >> $OUTPUT/db.list
./kmer-db all2all-parts $OUTPUT/db.list $OUTPUT/

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. Building a database
    2. Counting common k-mers
    3. Calculating similarities or distances
    4. Storing minhashed k-mers
  3. Datasets

1. Installation

Kmer-db comes with a set of precompiled binaries for Linux, OS X, and Windows. The software is also available on Bioconda:

conda install -c bioconda kmer-db

For detailed instructions how to set up Bioconda, please refer to the Bioconda manual. Kmer-db can be also built from the sources distributed as:

Vector extensions

Kmer-db can be built for x86-64 and ARM64 8 architectures (including Apple Mx based on ARM64 8.4 core) and takes advantage of AVX2 (x86-64) and NEON (ARM) CPU extensions. The default target platform is x86-64 with AVX2 extensions. This, however, can be changed by setting PLATFORM variable for make:

make PLATFORM=none    # unspecified platform, no extensions
make PLATFORM=sse2    # x86-64 with SSE2 
make PLATFORM=avx     # x86-64 with AVX 
make PLATFORM=avx2    # x86-64 with AVX2 (default)
make PLATFORM=native  # x86-64 with AVX2 and native architecture
make PLATFORM=arm8    # ARM64 8 with NEON  
make PLATFORM=m1      # ARM64 8.4 (especially Apple M1) with NEON 

Note, that x86-64 binaries determine the supported extensions at runtime, which makes them backwards-compatible. For instance, the AVX executable will also work on SSE-only platform, but with limited performance.

2. Usage

kmer-db <mode> [options] <positional arguments>

Kmer-db operates in one of the following modes:

Common options:

The meaning of other options and positional arguments depends on the selected mode.

2.1. Building a database

Construction of k-mers database is an obligatory step for further analyses. The procedure accepts several input types:


2.2. Counting common k-mers

Samples in the database against each other:

Dense computations - recomended when the distance matrix contains few zeros. Output can be stored in the dense or sparse form (-sparse switch).

kmer-db all2all [-buffer <size_mb>] [-sparse] [-t <threads>] [-above <v>] [-below <v>] [-above_eq <v>] [-below_eq <v>] <database> <common_table>

Sparse computations - recommended when the distance matrix contains many zeros. Output matrix is always in the sparse form:

kmer-db all2all-sp [-buffer <size_mb>] [-t <threads>] [-above <v>] [-below <v>] [-above_eq <v>] [-below_eq <v>] <database> <common_table>

Sparse computations, partial databases - use when the distance matrix contains many zeros and there are multiple partial databases. Output matrix is always in the sparse form:

kmer-db all2all-parts [-buffer <size_mb>] [-sparse] [-t <threads>] [-above <v>] [-below <v>] [-above_eq <v>] [-below_eq <v>] <db_list> <common_table>


New samples against the database:

kmer-db new2all [-multisample-fasta | -from-kmers | -from-minhash] [-sparse] [-t <threads>] [-above <v>] [-below <v>] [-above_eq <v>] [-below_eq <v>] <database> <sample_list> <common_table>


Single sample against the database:

kmer-db one2all [-from-kmers | -from-minhash] [-t <threads>] <database> <sample> <common_table>

The meaning of the parameters is the same as in new2all mode, but instead of specifying file with sample list, a single sample file is used as a query.

Output format

Modes all2all, new2all, and one2all produce a comma-separated table with numbers of common k-mers. The table is by default stored in a dense form:

kmer-length: k fraction: f db-samples s1 s2 ... sn
query-samples total-kmers |s1| |s2| ... |sn|
q1 |q1| |q1 ∩ s1| |q1 ∩ s2| ... |q1 ∩ sn|
q2 |q2| |q2 ∩ s1| |q2 ∩ s2| ... |q2 ∩ sn|
... ... ... ... ... ...
qm |qm| |qm ∩ s1| |qm ∩ s2| ... |qm ∩ sn|


For performance reasons, all2all mode produces a lower triangular matrix.

When -sparse switch is specified, the table is stored in a sparse form. In particular, zeros are omitted while non-zero elements are represented as pairs (column_id: value) with 1-based column indexing. Thus, rows may have different number of elements, e.g.:

kmer-length: k fraction: f db-samples s1 s2 ... sn
query-samples total-kmers |s1| |s2| ... |sn|
q1 |q1| i11: |q1 ∩ si11| i12: |q1 ∩ si12|
q2 |q2| i21: |q2 ∩ si21| i22: |q2 ∩ si22| i23: |q2 ∩ si23|
q2 |q2|
... ... ...
qm |qm| im1: |qm ∩ sim1|

2.3. Calculating similarities or distances

kmer-db distance [<measures>] [-sparse] [-above <v>] [-below <v>] [-above_eq <v>] [-below_eq <v>] <common_table>


This mode generates a file with similarity/distance table for each selected measure. Name of the output file is produced by adding to the input file an extension with a measure name.

2.4. Storing minhashed k-mers

This is an optional analysis step which stores minhashed k-mers on the hard disk to be later consumed by build, new2all, or one2all modes with -from-minhash switch. It can be skipped if one wants to use all k-mers from samples for distance estimation or employs minhashing during database construction. Syntax:

kmer-db minhash [-f <fraction>] [-k <kmer-length>] [-multisample-fasta] <sample_list>

kmer-db minhash -from-kmers [-f <fraction>] <sample_list>


For each sample from the list, a binary file with .minhash extension containing filtered k-mers is created.

3. Datasets

List of the pathogens investigated in Kmer-db study can be found here


Deorowicz, S., Gudyś, A., Długosz, M., Kokot, M., Danek, A. (2019) Kmer-db: instant evolutionary distance estimation, Bioinformatics, 35(1): 133–136