Creates a simple OTU table from Kraken2 reports. It extracts the OTU names and their read counts.
This script extracts read counts and OTU (species, genus or else) names from every kraken2 report file found in a given folder, and summarizes it in one OTU table (rows are OTUs, columns are samples).
usage: [-h] --inputfolder INPUTFOLDER --level LEVEL [--extension EXTENSION]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input folder where report files can be found.
--level LEVEL, -l LEVEL
Taxonomic level to extract from kraken2 report.
Extension of kraken2 report files. Default: .k2report
First, you have to generate reports with kraken2 by using --report and --use-names options enabled, then put the reports into one folder if they are not already there together.
The script needs two arguments. One argument is the directory, where kraken2 reports can be found. The other needs to be the desired level, like G, S, P, G1 etc... Output file will be placed into the input directory. Sample names will be the filenames without extension.
python3 ./ --inputfolder ./ --level g
This command will create one file, containing the OTUs of given level. Example for genus: From this (EB1-211103.k2report):
72.33 440048 440048 U 0 unclassified
27.67 168354 0 R 1 root
27.67 168354 0 R1 131567 cellular organisms
27.67 168354 1454 D 2 Bacteria
23.46 142758 1804 P 1224 Proteobacteria
17.38 105738 1070 C 1236 Gammaproteobacteria
8.18 49747 24 O 72274 Pseudomonadales
5.35 32566 36 F 135621 Pseudomonadaceae
5.33 32447 4268 G 286 Pseudomonas
2.01 12219 3539 G1 196821 unclassified Pseudomonas
to this: (otu_table_G.tsv)
OTU EB1-211103 EB2-211103
Pseudomonas 32447 67432
Azotobacter 54 5324
Permianibacter 13 621
Oblitimonas 11 534
Entomomonas 5 52
Acinetobacter 16974 16974
Psychrobacter 79 96
Moraxella 70 70
Shewanella 24114 24114
The data here are from one file, I changed some values in EB1-* to get EB2 just to show how it works. It works fast with many files too.