Thanks for the package. I am currently trying to run the multiamplicon but I am stuck at the dataMulti command with my dataset. It says (sorry for the french terminal) :
Erreur dans if (nr…
Thank you for developing AmpliconClassifier—it has been an invaluable resource for my research. I have a question regarding the interpretation of results in a specific case.
After running Am…
Is there a need to classify the output of CoRAL or are all circular paths/amplicons output estimated to be ecDNA specifically?
Thanks again for the tool
If the primer pair is oriented with the left primer on the positive strand and right primer negative, the amplicon span should have `Strand.POSITIVE`.
Thanks for a great tool. I am playing around with genotyping amplicon data from Nanopore sequencing. I can get Straglr to call certain STRs but not others, and I wonder if I need to do somethin…
Right now, no error is returned if a value too high for `overlap` is passed to `assembly_fragments`. For instance, you can pass a number longer than the template sequence itself, and it will simply re…
The current amplicon coverage script devised by @dr-david won't work for all sets of primers and corresponding amplicons. The current logic exploits non-overlapping amplicon regions/positions to ident…
(this is in relation to previous email I sent you, I found a workaround)
There seems to be an edge case on some systems where --in_silico_pcr does not run unless you specify the number of th…
This is the new Illumina competitor from Element Biosciences @Elembio
People are using it amplicons: [qiime2 forums xref](https://forum.qiime2.org/t/dada2-low-non-chimeric-input-after-denoising/317…
current fix has a more stringent filtering of non overlapping reads in dada2. Some of those reads can be stitched back and I think we can do a better job at merging those, but will require some thinki…