I have followed the steps on the github but i still get this error any ideas how to fix. Running ROS2 Foxy on the jetson nano. Ubuntu 20.04.
![Screenshot from 2023-12-07 14-38-29](https://github.com/…
**Before opening an issue**
If the issue is about build errors:
- [X] I have read [installation instructions](https://koide3.github.io/direct_visual_lidar_calibration/installation/)
- [X] I have co…
In the papar, LIVO2 uses lidar points to generate visual map, the extrinsics will be very important. Will LIVO2 solve this issue?
The environment is configured and catkin_make passed.
But run error:
double free or corruption (out)
[1] 10975 abort (core dumped) rosrun direct_visual_lidar_calibration preprocess
May I ask if this article is not a purely visual input? Why is there an error about missing LIDAR files when evaluating a given model?
郑博您好,我在进行 21UC 相机和 mid360 雷达的外参数标定工作,考虑到 solidworks 里面可以测量21UC相机和mid360雷达之间的尺寸参数,但是我不太确定需要测量哪两个点之间的参数才能得到外参数矩阵。还有一种方法是使用 livox camera calib 这个工作成果,我尝试了一下效果不太理想,可能是我找的环境,特征不够明显。如果我想从 solidworks 里面获取外参数…
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Building the sdk from source from C++ throws error in compilation.
![Screenshot 2024-09-03 142837](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c0b1d575-2…
~~~~/home/ros/liosam_ws/src/FAST_LIO_SAM/FAST_LIO_SAM/ file opened
[ WARN] [1731062949.593435740]: No point, skip this scan!
[ INFO] [1731062949.594543096]: IMU Initial…
ROS2 Humble,
Ubuntu 22.04,
i'm dealing with a simulation in gazebo 11 with two namespaced robot.
I want to add on both a 2d lidar and I'm adding to the robot description with the following xacro …