# TL;DR:
Are the following elements of BlobToolKit compatible with each other, when trying to run the whole pipeline?
**Docker Container:**
If a SEED alignment contains sequences with accessions not found in Genbank or RNAcentral (for example, `AGAIN_GXP7IEG01DU42M/31-242`) we cannot use such an alignment to build an Rfam family. The idea…
see https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=Web&PAGE_TYPE=BlastNews, 1st item: "BLAST+ 2.10.1 is released – Fix for TBLASTN Multi-Threading issue."
This could mean that busco can use the same …
cschu updated
4 years ago
I'm trying to run PGAP on an HPC cluster using singularity + slurm and I'm running into some troubles.
While pgap is installing/running fine with our "test genome" on the main machine t…
From @MariaALaporte
Seems to be failing when there is >1 authority per taxon?
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=16&lvl=3&lin=f&keep=1&srchmode=1&unlock ->…
When I install the RoseTTAFold2NA, an error occurs at the last step "update_blastdb.pl --decompress nt", which is like below. Is there any people met the same problem? And how to deal with it? Thanks!…
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for developing this great pipeline.
I was able to follow your instructions and make it work. It was complicated at first but following your detailed instruction it worked. I like…
Dear all (is someone still maintaining this?),
I get this error when running the pipeline on just 1 .fastq file following exactly the instructions provided here, and yes, the test worked fine.
Telecharcher la version 2.7.1
Les executables sont dans le bin/
cd bin/
./psiblast -help