I am trying to do 3D SLAM with pose graph with a hokuyo 2D laser and need to match the pointclouds of the nodes. Therefore I thought the ethzasl_icp_mapping is a good starting point.
The 3D swee…
I am using ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 5.10.104-tegra on a Jetson NX.
My ultimate goal is to run [the example launch file](https://github.com/leggedrobotics/elevation_mapping_cupy/blob/main/el…
Please can someone tells me what I need to change in launch file or .cpp or .h file to get good loop closure for livox avia?
I tried with this algorithm fast_lio_slam and sc_pgo founds a loot of lo…
Hi, thank you for sharing your work.
We are testing Locus in different environments with a drone (currently hand carried) with 1 Velodyne VLP-16 and a Vectornav IMU.
Where there are sufficient plane…
what does the meaning of "timestamp"in the field of point cloud? and what the difference of the "timestamp" between PandarQT and velodyne lidar ? how does the pandarQT convert to the format of velodyn…
Hi! I have an issue while recording a larger map using *lidarslam.yaml.* The desired route is about **6.2km long.** So, the mapping stopped somewhere while I was recording it [https://drive.google.com…
I use ubuntu 16.04 and ros_kinetic
when I use this master package and I found there can ger scan directly,
but when I launch VLP16_points.launch, I get this warning:
> Packet containing angle ov…
`tests` folder is missing and as such `catkin_make` fails. Copying the `tests` folder from [](https://github.com/laboshinl/loam_velodyne) or disabling `CATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING` fix the problem.
I run your code with a VLP16 connected and leave it in a stationary place. With your default launch file I get a constant movement of the base_link and the keyframe in positive z-direction tho…
hi,everyone i Using Ros2 Foxy inside a Jetson jeston agx orin with ubuntu 20.4 and a astro pro , for some reason launching examples
ros2 launch rtabmap_launch rtabmap.launch.py