I forked ROS packages from [ROS-I/universal_robot](https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot/). And I follow [Moveit Setup Assistant Tutorial](http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/moveit_tutorials…
This is a great topic, thank you for creating it. From what you guys have done, I have created an MFC interface to simulate and control the robot. In addition, I use the zed camera to measure the dept…
@k-okada 実機とシミュレーションのjoin_trajectory_actionの定義の仕方が違うようですが、なにか理由があるのでしょうか。
実機: https://github.com/jsk-enshu/robot-programming/blob/master/dynamixel_7dof_arm/config/dynamixel_joint_controllers.yaml#L…
I have a Romi + raspi and also built the Pololu arm + gripper. I tested everything with WPILibPi and it worked. However, I would like to set up FTC-Romi as described in https://ftc-romi-docs.readthed…
We are working with xarm7 and have a few questions about accessing the services in the xarm driver. There are two instances in which we want to uniquely access these services. We are using t…
I saw that the gripper history does not include gripper openness, but instead just includes position and rotation. Is there a reason for this?
`curr_gripper = curr_gripper[..., :7]`
First of all, because of varying robot orientation, the pitch/roll of the robot is ambigious. That does NOT mean that the variable is the same between the two of them. We can use yaw angle to determin…
I configured my real Franka Emika arm for MTC to perform some simple tasks in ROS 2. However, solution is generated in Motion Planning Tasks window in Rviz but it is not moving my robotic arm. Could a…
We can also autogenerate docs. Though our code will need more docstrings for that to be useful