hello Xun,
I encountered a problem when I try to access to the website you described http://www.uvm.edu/genomics/software/VIcaller.html. I cannot find the the virome-wide library under the Database…
I would suggest rebuild metabuli viral reference database using current official viral taxonomy provided on https://ictv.global/vmr
Technically, it is not difficult.
Your tool processed it very smo…
I wanted to ask about the "cherry_edge.csv" file output. Specifically, how can we identify whether a node is a prokaryotic host node or a viral node? I don't seem to see any specific indica…
When exposed, the `Human` get an `initial_viral_load` sampled, which I assume is the value of the viral load when they get exposed (the viral load / time piecewise linear curve starts at `initial_vira…
Thank you for developing this cherry_crispr tool for host prediction. My question is about the suitability of the tool. Does cherry_crispr function for integrated viral sequence identified from …
Currently in [S_convalescent_plasma_escape.txt](https://github.com/nodrogluap/pokay/blob/master/data/literature/NC_045512/S_convalescent_plasma_escape.txt), we have:
# Mutant found after in pa…
Dear dev team,
it's possible, that the viral file changed again? Centrifuge is not downloading anything for viral.
Here the files:
You have to wait a couple of secs so tha it is actually connected to the pkg server, or started downloading in order to trigger this.
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: https://docs.jul…
From Alchemist 19:
“Can you add Lamina1 Discord invite link in this "About Persona Collective " section. This project is bound to go viral. I am already spreading the news all over Cyberspace-Metave…
Not sure if this issue was already asked about, please direct me to that thread if so. I was trying to run Dram-v on Virsorter2 output, but got an error, the command used and the end of my log …