This looks like a recent hot topic mainly for machine learning.
Basic idea: use calibration data, separate from estimation/training data, to estimate quantiles and prediction sets or intervals for …
A table to list publications - usually references. I have already quite a lot of scripts for that methods and they are a good start
The references are held in a Endnote reference software:
- [x] …
- [ ] [Answer.AI - You can now train a 70b language model at home](https://www.answer.ai/posts/2024-03-06-fsdp-qlora.html)
# Answer.AI - You can now train a 70b language model at home
Something that can measure how well a LLM can deal with tools. CoT already kind of goes that way, but not really since it's limited to a bit of mathematical reasoning and not really tool usage.
Very insightful work!
While I have some question about the relation between RRHF[1] and SimPO.
Could you please give a brief introduction?
[1] RRHF: Rank responses to align lang…
Getting an error with the attached log in Inspect View.
Inspect version [5fc903f](https://github.com/UKGovernmentBEIS/inspect_ai/commit/5fc903f2ec4d69147ba28c71c74b3edd27d1dd9e)
There are a number of important molecular and scientific models that I would love to see implementations for in DeepChem. Implementations of any of these models would be a great contribution to DeepCh…
Thanks for your awesome repo! We are a deep learning and optimization group, and we have two papers on multi-task learning.
- Direction-oriented Multi-objective Learning: Simple and Provable…
< Placeholder >
timeline: April 2023 - April 2027.
[Key historical 2016 issue of thesis topic](https://github.com/Tribler/tribler/issues/2250)
ToDo: 6 weeks hands-on Python onboarding project. …