I see there is a plan to release a FPGA platform. But now when I want to put the hardware code to a xilinx FPGA, I found no obvious path for such a platform. Did I miss something? Maybe the FPGA platf…
_From @mithro on July 14, 2014 12:8_
The Xilinx Zynq-7000 series devices are a combined ARM processor with a "series 7" FPGA. The [Digilent ZYBO](http://www.digilentinc.com/Products/Detail.cfm?NavPat…
@cfelton, it would be nice to have ClockManagement for the spartan 6 series - likely the most popular hobbiest FPGA in the Xilinx line. However, it seems that the MMCME2_BASE is 7 series logic only.
如解码xilinx fpga jtag配置时序的时候非常慢,cpu占用并不高。希望优化提速。
I'm following the [Running the "Hello World" Example](https://github.com/Xilinx/SDAccel-AWS-F1-Developer-Labs/blob/master/modules/module_01/lab_01_helloworld.md).
Everything works until Step 5.
0. Could you send email to [xianjun.jiao@ugent.be](mailto:xianjun.jiao@ugent.be) to introduce your self?
1. Our image is used directly or you build your own image?
I used the image "openwifi…
I consider the option of memory-mapping columns to shared memory to be valuable. Such option will be triggered if specific metadata are supplied. Given that many data frames backed by arrow are used f…
I am trying to execute the basic image transfer application with XRT in C/C++.
One U200 and one U280 cards are on my server. And I can transfer the image correctly using PYNQ with multi-thre…
I use a JTAG HS2 probe on a JTAG chain with an artix7, I use the bsdl file provided by xilinx and I can not read ID, or scan an I/O.
Do you need to have a blank FPGA for this to work, the HS2 pro…
`yosys` creates a file with LDCE primitives, apparently `nextpnr-xilinx` doesn't support them.
The command:
nextpnr-xilinx --chipdb /home/ildus/dev/nextpnr-xilinx/xilinx/xc7a35t.bin --xdc art…
ildus updated
2 years ago