I have tried running scaffold a few times on a sample, and I keep getting an error. The details are below.
During scaffold, the following command failed with return code -11:
> > /opt/metAMOS/metAM…
Hi, I wonder any possibility identify core microbiome using microeco object? Like filtering based on the prevalence and abundance? Pls let me know!
Hello everyone! I am a beginner in microbiome analysis with R.
After saving the .qza files generated by QIIME2 on my own PC, an error occured with import_qiime2() :
Hi all,
First, I tried alot to download the biological observation matrix and this error always appear:
Not all files (total of 2308) were downloaded successfully. Number of failures:
0 -- no valid…
I am using nasal microbiome data for the deseq analysis in Phyloseq. This is not 16s data, but very similar. It is called IS-pro and instead of sequencing the 16s region it measures the length of 16s-…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
At the moment, Hintikka data is used for basically all analysis in OMA book. However, I see a problem in the [MOFA section](https:/…
I'm following the "[Bioconductor Workflow for Microbiome Data Analysis: from raw reads to community analyses [version 2; referees: 3 approved]](https://f1000research.com/articles/5-1492/v2)"…
Hi, all,
I am following the [Workflow for Microbiome Data Analysis](https://bioconductor.org/help/course-materials/2017/BioC2017/Day1/Workshops/Microbiome/MicrobiomeWorkflowII.html) dealing with IT…