How do you output a protein fasta (.faa)?
Also, I keep getting an error for start/stop options?
Do I use prodigal on the orfs this calls?
I've encountered an issue with the wrap_up method in the emapper.py script, where the script throws a shutil.SameFileError when the source and destination paths for copying a file are the same. This e…
Hi! Not sure if this is the best spot for this, but I recently found that the straightforward `conda install -c bioconda prokka` doesn't work. The workaround I found was to install in five individual …
Hi there, thanks again for writing this useful tool!
I can run the CGC Finder without a problem with just fna files as input. However, when I tried providing my own protein sequences and the associ…
Hi @apcamargo!
Thank you for doing this fork! I would like to ask if it is possible to keep the predictions of different code tables given I would like to compare them.
Thank you again :)
**Description of the bug**
I have run Eukulele within the singularity container provided by pipeline and it seems like URI::Escape is missing in its perl installation, which is causing problems wit…
登录接口里面的`url: 'Eduservice/user/login',`,这个`Eduservice`我这边改成全小写,和Java代码的`@PostMapping`一致就登录成功了。你检查下呢。
Hi, just a direct question that when the ORF fasta files (predicted by prodigal) is the input file with easy-taxonomy (MMseqs Version: 14.7e284), whether the fasta sequence wil…
Discussion of input/output in new version.
What formats would you like to see supported?
Current proposal:
* Sequence formats: FASTA
Does anyone want or need FASTQ support? No one's ever …
Dears, I am running the test with the file you provide. However, it seems there is an issue by calling blast.
./scripts/VITAP.sh assignment -i test.fasta -d ./DB_20240115_IMGVR_expanded -o test_…