Currently, I have 5 livox horizon lidars and Iivox hub.
Even I prepare all the things which is necessary for operating Livox hub (power cable).
But when I launch "livox_hub.launch", I got the mess…
hello, can this net use /livox/lidar`s topic type as livox_ros_driver/CustomMsg?
Hi developers, do you have a plan for supporting pcl 1.13? I'm testing with ubuntu 20.04 and ros noetic, this ros driver couldn't be compiled with following errors:
In file included from /usr/inclu…
Does this Livox-SDK2 support Livox Horizon Lidars?
Or should I use the old Livox-SDK for Horizon?
When I use Livox mid360 and VLP-16, Ouster-64 to simultaneously face the same flat wall, the point cloud observed by Mid360 is a point cloud with severe curvature distortion, which is significantly di…
Hello Thank you for your work!
I want to ask whether Livox lidar is supported. If so, can you provide a config file of Livox?
In addition, I want to ask whether it is possible to set only the LI…
i am trying to convert a LVX file to rosbag, this is the error am getting
* /cmdline_file_path: /home/example/202...
* /cmdline_str: 100000000000000
* …
运行:roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar_msg.launch
... logging to /home/xuhuitong/.ros/log/ef12ded4-0d85-11ed-97fa-df185c5966bd/roslaunch-bjtu-13259.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. Thi…
Hi, Thank you for sharing your great work!
I want to evaluate a depth model in same way which you had used in your paper. could you provide the evaluation depth image for grid shifted and livox?