`roslaunch mapping_livox_avia.launch`开始运行之后RVIZ运行超过20秒,建图就会卡住了不再动了,有些时候甚至运行之后建图界面就卡住不再更新了,只有激光雷达初始扫描出来的稀疏白点。然后Terminal出以下错误:
`W1116 08:39:38.382853 51225 preprocessing.cpp…
> You probably can change the default camera angle. You have to peel through the layers and reach into the three.js API. ros-rviz uses ros3djs, which in turn uses three.js. If you read the code for ro…
Thanks for the great research.
I'm trying to run your code on an m2dgr dataset, but I've been trying to create a map in lio mode (in config file) to some extent beforehand, then switch to relo mode…
I am attempting to use the LDS-02 sensor from the turtlebot3 on an other project. How should I use this lidar system, and how do I install this driver only and have it read to rviz?
I launched Rviz and open config.rviz with rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 map my_frame 100.
Rviz opens, but says "no map received"
![no map](https://user-i…
Hi, this is the first attempt for me to try this pkg. I am currently using it with https://github.com/iROSA-lab/sampled_reachability_maps . (ros noetic on ubuntu 20.04)
I followed the README instru…
When i run the rviz and view the markers being published it's color is not changeing from white to any other colour. Here is the screenshot i took: [https://answers.ros.org/question/353188/white-color…
Hi I am studying openscenario.
How can I link openscenario to rivz? I want to link the openscenario for ego-car to rviz.
Thank you!
When i spawned vehicle from roslaunch with Hz 10 it flickers however, when i make Hz 20 problem was gone. I tried different target fps for builds but it didn't worked.