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### Description
I'm trying to turn a point cloud topic (from an Oak-d lite stereo camera) into an octomap voxels to be used for motion planning with a 7 dof arm. However, the documentation in movei…
Hi, I have encountered an error when building the TiagoSimulation (followed the [readme](https://github.com/pal-robotics/tiago_simulation?tab=readme-ov-file#setup)).
Ubuntu 22
The log…
### Description
I'm getting a compiler error when following the [getting started](https://ros-planning.github.io/moveit_tutorials/doc/getting_started/getting_started.html) instructions for the tuto…
This ticket is to track infos and problems regarding the usage together with ros-kinetic.
Currently these packages are missing:
E: Paket ros-kinetic-moveit-ros kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Pak…
I did a fresh installation of ubuntu 20 and ros noetic. On that pc i cloned the package elfin_robot noetic_ethercat branch. It is built normally without any error. I launch the pipeline as the followi…
### Affected ROS2 Driver version(s)
### Used ROS distribution.
### Which combination of platform is the ROS driver running on.
Ubuntu Linux with standard kernel
### How is the UR RO…
### Description
Launch the demo.launch.py file fails probably due to an invalid parameter
### Your environment
* ROS Distro: [Iron]
* OS Version: e.g. Ubuntu 22.04 (WSL2)
* Source or Binary b…
The current tutorial on using [controllers with moveit](http://docs.ros.org/indigo/api/moveit_tutorials/html/doc/pr2_tutorials/planning/src/doc/controller_configuration.html) does not mention how to i…
Hi, I got some Error when running the moveit part in gazebo. The moveit demo runs successfully, but when I excuted the plan trajectory in rviz, some error shows:
`[ERROR] [1712605806.834437486, 16.…