- [x] OMSSA: Even if its old some some software like OpenMS still uses it. ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/lewisg/omssa/2.1.9/
- [x] recipe https://github.com/bioconda/bioconda-recipes/pull/19181
Hi Vadim,
Thanks for this amazing software.
I want to analyze DIA data using a DDA library that was constructed from MSFragger. The actual LC gradient is 40 minutes, but after building the library, …
### Description of feature
I'm aiming to integrate the MSFragger search engine into the QuantMS workflow. It should be included as an option for the closed search, alongside a completely new open m…
['F:\\Sara\\fragpipe\\jre\\bin\\java.exe', '-jar', '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8', '-Xmx20G', WindowsPath('F:/Sara/fragpipe/tools/MSFragger-4.1/MSFragger-4.1.jar'), '--generate_expect_functions', 'DQB2-notry…
Hi Michael,
When using Sage with very large search spaces (e.g. many PTMs, non-specific digestion, etc.), the memory consumption frequently goes beyond the available resources on standard workstati…
We have updated in PD v2.5.0.400 the MSFragger node to the latest version and the search with this search engine works perfectly but the column with the MSFragger Score for each protein does not appea…
First, thank you for this fantastic resource!
I do have a question- I am working with a label I have developed for derivatizing arginine, and used it as a variable modification to build a…
I've been having trouble running my DDA and DIA files in MSFragger using the MSFragger-DIA workflow. The issue seems to be with the mzML DIA files. I've been discussing this on the Fragpipe and openms…
which makes the appearance in Galaxy's tool menu really ugly:
The information is already in the `manual` which should be sufficient, or?
Is there an option to have a section only for the long description like this? This type of long description also shows up in the tool panel.