i was wondering why this repository was deprecated.
Is this mostly an issue about time or change of responsibilities or is there something fundamentally 'wrong' about this implementation?
I am awa…
I am a beginner an am doing a project that involves controlling a Pioneer 3AT using ROS . It does not have a laser ,but has SONAR and camera.
I have read the basics of ROS, but am not sure how t…
Using Ros2 Web Bridge on ROS2 Eloquent:
I am calling getParam with a valid node name but not getting param data back. The callback is not executed. I do get plenty of subscription callbacks so the …
i followed the exact tutorials but i'm receiving the following errors,any help would highly be appreciated .
[ 8%] Generating dynamic reconfigure files from cfg/Controller.cfg: /home/ros/catkin…
## 3、gazebo 关闭 client 界面
在做强化学习训练时,打开 gazebo 界面可能会使训练比较耗时,因此关闭 client 界面也许是一种比较好的方法。
gazebo 平台第三视角关闭方法如下:
$ roscd gazebo_ros
$ cd launch
$ sudo gedit empty_world.launch
We've been seeing a problem in GitHub Releases in the last month where after unpacking the tarball, the top-level directory name has changed in the _same release_ downloaded just a week earlier. These…
Hello all,
I am on Raspberry PI 3 Raspbian Jessie.
I've installed Fast SVO (with ROS) and have downloaded all the required packages (sophus,fast, svo and vikit).
When i type "catkin_make", i have t…
Hai, can someone help me regrading how to cancel the action server goal?
This is my current code:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var fibonacciClient = new R…
Сегодня руками на собранном образе RPI собрал ROS noetic, из исходников.
Ниже код sh скрипта, чтоб не забыть.
Пока ещё в процессе тестирования mavros. rospy работает на 3-м Питоне.
Просьба посове…
Hi. I am trying to sync boundingboxes with images and I am using message filter to do that. Before that I also modified the header of bbx using `_imageHeader`. Then I found out the message doesn't coo…