Please add SRA links/accessions for Illumina data on wiki
sr320 updated
7 years ago
We will be producing diverse data products, protocols, and software (hereafter ‘products’). These are intended for distribution and reuse with attribution Products will be continuously revised, updat…
**Example error**
> job stderr:
> Fatal error: Exit code 127 (Could not locate fastq-dump binary)
> /galaxy-repl/main/jobdir/012/086/12086366/tool_script.sh: line 9: vdb-config: command n…
[Bionode submitted with BioJS](http://biojs.net/gsoc/2015/), projects for [GSoC2015](https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015). Unfortunately, BioJS wasn't accepted as an organisat…
I have a downloaded dataset from SRA, and converted it to *.fastq, sth. like this:
@SRR1168519.1 length=302
I'm not able to ascertain whether this is a problem of the raw data or of `sam-dump`, but when I do e.g. this:
sam-dump -r SRR2141560 | samtools view -b - > SRR2141560.bam
I get errors of th…
Thanks for the effor to make the tools avaiable to bioinformatics community. I am currently replicating the analysis mention in your paper to learn this tool . However, I am having the follow…
proposal for a GenotypedSampleMetadata avro schema separate from RecordGroup so as to not confound the concept of Read/Record group metadata and VCF sample metadata.
As discussed in https://github.co…
jpdna updated
8 years ago
Hi @jbenet and @maxogden! Thank you so much for the time you took to meet with @mlovci and me this weekend. Here's an overview of our current data management situation and what our ideal case would be…
Dear brentp,
Here's my SLURM script:
# !/bin/bash
# SBATCH --job-name=bwa-meth ### Job Name
# SBATCH --output=bwa-meth24hr.out ### File in which to store job output
# SBATCH --error=bwa-meth24hr…