Hi, I will review your work on the Nim game and evolutionary strategies.
It is overall quite good, and the goal seems to be reached, and even trumped at the end of your code, so congratulations for t…
First issue of series: "The Continuing Evolution of a Modular Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle" (hereafter referred to as MHLLV). This issue discusses historic strategies used by HLLVs, as well as proposals …
According to the paper on page 3, Algorithm 2, the gradient in line 11 is rescaled by the standard deviation. However I can't see it in the code in: https://github.com/openai/evolution-strategies-st…
pzdkn updated
3 years ago
[**Mixed Integer Evolution Strategies for Parameter Optimization**
Rui Li, Michael T.M. Emmerich, Jeroen Eggermont, Thomas Bäck, M. Schütz, J. Dijkstra, and J.H.C. Reiber
Evolutionary Computation 20…
mb706 updated
3 years ago
Great work on the toolkit!
I encountered a problem while employing the CMA-ES algorithm. Specifically, one parameter had a standard deviation of approximately `1e-6`, resulting in a varianc…
I successfully reproduced the performance of CEM, the overall scores are just like outcome of essay. But I failed to reproduce the outcome of Evolution Strategies basing on the code. I’ve tried the pa…
Google Cloud recently released a feature to enable [Confidential Computing](https://cloud.google.com/security/products/confidential-computing?hl=en). The goal is to "protect the confidentiality…
Pinot nowadays only supports realtime table ingested from one single source stream, e.g. one Kafka topic from a Kafka cluster. And inside the table manager, the internal segment partition concept is h…
Food density as a way to discover different evolution strategies doesn't serve its role.
Food density in the eyes of fish is proportional to the (amount of food / area of the fishbowl / fish max sp…
Policy Search
- [ ] [PI2](http://proceedings.mlr.press/v9/theodorou10a/theodorou10a.pdf), is already implemented #28
- [ ] [PoWER](http://www.ias.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/publications/peters_ADPR…