Hello, I am encountering trouble implementing torque_control mode in Pybullet with Franka Panda.
The robot could move to the initial position that I imply with position_control mode. However, I tried…
It is easy to perform a grasp experiment using 2f_gripper.
But how to perform the same using 3f-gripper …
Can I combine cartesian_impedance_control.cpp and generate_cartesian_pose_motion?I want Franka panda have impendance when It moving
Hi @nbfigueroa
thanks for providing this code. I am trying it on my Panda and came across an issue that `(find mit_museum_inspection_demo)/config/museum_passiveDS_impedance_control_additional_para…
When I try to run the `roslaunch panda_moveit_config franka_control.launch robot_ip:=` command, I get the following error.
`FrankaHW: Failed to initialize libfranka robot. libfranka: Connection err…
Hi, I am having the following build errors when trying to build `visp_ros`. Any suggestions?
/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/tutorial-franka-real-pbvs-apriltag.dir/tutorial/franka/real-robot/tutorial-fr…
1. cuRobo installation mode: python
2. python version: 3.10
3. Isaac Sim version (if using): 4.1.0
When testing with Franka Panda, I noticed that `UsdKinematicsParser` `flip_joint_limits…
Hello. I was following the setting-up steps to see how Diffusion-CCSP works. But I got an error at the following step:
> * Compile IK for Franka Panda if want to collect and test robot planning.
Hello, I am trying to config double franka panda arm in ROS using franka_combined_control.launch
I bringup the franka panda robots using`roslaunch franka_control franka_combined_control.launch robot_…
There are quite a lot code assert the robot model is a Fetch. And the IK solver is designed for Fetch. But I want to use other robots like FrankaPanda, What should I do? What part of the code should I…