I've been trying to compile the lanelet2 package from source on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine with ROS1 noetic installed.
cmake throws the following error:
I have noticed that when there is a linestring with `lane_change:left=no` and `lane_change:right=yes`, the lanelet2 routing graph doesn't allow you to change lane in either way.
When I look at [the…
I have some difficulty using lanelet2's functions. How can I get which of all the functions Python can call? And how to use these functions? Is there any API documentation for Lanelet2 Python?
I have issues building lanelet2 on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS noetic. The build is performed inside a venv with Python Version 3.8.10. The command python is pointing to python3. The error I get is …
I've been trying to write .osm file of laneletMap that comes from getDebugLaneletMap().
Here is my code as follows.
`ConstLanelet lanelet = map_->laneletLayer.get(startLanelet[0].second.id());`
### Checklist
- [X] I've read the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- [X] I've searched other issues and no duplicate issues were…
- [x] RSUで死角の歩行者・自転車を認知し、認知情報をCPMとして車両に送信
- [ ] 死角の道路付近に歩行者がいた場合、車両が減速・停止するようプランナーを修正
- [ ] CPMがない場合は死角の先が見えないためそのままスルーして直進?→ここが比較対象
- [ ] AW+AWV2XのDocker環境を構成しPSimで検証.
- [ ] GCは[AIチャレンジのレポジトリ](ht…
I have a system using a particularly large lanelet2 map and a mechanism for dynamic updates to regulatory elements. Sometimes these regulatory element updates require that the RoutingGraph be recomput…
### Summary
Create a package that using `maliput_sparse`'s builder api allows the user to load a `maliput::api::RoadGeometry` out of a lanelet2-based osm file.
### Tasks
- [x] Create a parser f…
Hi, thank for your excellent work!
I have a question about the coordinate conversion mechanism in this work.
For example, what does the `s0` mean in `road/graphics.py`. The corresponding code is as…