When continuing an ongoing session, it's not possible to ask Rhasspy to provide the audio captured (with rhasspy/asr///audioCaptured) because there is no flag to enable this when ASR starts listening …
My apps with running on Android 11 throw an javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException error when trying to connect to Rhocnnect server or directly to my server using HTTPS. All is fine on prior versions of …
Copied from https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-unreal/pull/377#issuecomment-827294409 and https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-unreal/pull/377#issuecomment-827298083
### Steps for Linux Cross Compila…
Audiocapture @Release refs/tags/v1.14.0b4 crash at launch on macOS for missing library.
Please what is the format/encoding of the data in the buffer. Is it PCM or AAC?
- **Operating system**: Mac
- **Python version**: 3.8.6
- **SDL version**: 2.0.14
- **PyGame version**: 1.9.6
- **Relevant hardware**: Mac M1
I am capable of installing pygame on a Mac M1 using…
i cannot compile on 4.26 and cannot open the example project. Windows version.
I have tried using this plugin to import some GLTF files (which I exported from Blender) that contain an armature, mesh, materials, and animations on the armature. I tried using the 2.0.7 version…
I currently have Unreal Engine 4.23.1 installed on my Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) system. I am trying to run your microservices grpc demo but am facing the following error:
------- Build details --------
I played around with GitHub actions for the AudioCapture app, [yml here](https://github.com/labstreaminglayer/App-AudioCapture/blob/master/.github/workflows/cppcmake.yml). I have it automatically gene…