I would like to retrieve the IMU data and Lidar Range at the same time, there is a function to do this ?
I know you can get the IMU using client.Sensor and the Lidar Range with client.Sca…
Sensors like GPS and 10 DOF IMU are widely used. Fusion of these sensors are used for state estimation. A few examples on this topic will help many people.
Thank you for creating this challenging dataset! It has been very useful.
I couldn't find the sensor coordinate frame conventions explicitly mentioned anywhere, but this is what I could i…
imu outputs 400 hertz, OusterOS64 lidar.
Configuration settings:
sensor: ouster # lidar sensor type, either 'velodyne', 'ouster' or 'livox'
N_SCAN: 64 …
sensor_msgs::msg::Imu imu(const NComRxC *nrx, std_msgs::msg::Header head) {
// Rotate angular rate data before copying into message ----------------------
veh_w = tf…
I'm trying to use the VectorNAV package with the ROS2 humble version to get the attitude of an IMU.
I understand that the default reference frame of the VectorNav sensor is the NED fram…
Thanks for the awesome work! I am currently trying to calibrate the IMU sensors with cameras. However, I find that the extrinsic parameters of the accelerator is
[[-0.9814974 -0.15415965 …
Hi all,
I am currently trying to get the package run on an odroid platform with ubuntu. I am not sure if I am doing things right, so please advise.
1) I am using a setup rig with a watec camera at 30…
Hello, I am quite new to rtabmap and ROS in general, I am trying to connect an OS1-128 lidar sensor with an external Tinkerforge Brick v2 IMU and visualize it using rtabmap and ROS. I started with jus…
Development Board A has the following peripherals:
- IST8310 Magnetometer Sensor (I2C, connected to MPU6500 as a I2C slave)
- MPU6500 IMU Sensor (SPI connection)