in discussing with some users about why the python documentation is not working well for them, many complain that our sphinx output is just a list of methods, with no apparent organization. I think t…
Resolving issue #14136 included all of the work on the geometry side to get derivatives in hydroelastic contact. It included a token effort to give evidence that the derivatives propagate through to t…
_point_jacobian_ returns 3 x nDof jacobian matrix, how to get 6D jacobian(i.e., similar to rbdl CalcPointJacobian6D)?
### What happened?
In writing a quick collision avoidance test, I found that the `MultibodyPlant::GetCollisionGeometriesForBody` only reports the collision geometries that `MultibodyPlant` has interc…
# Problem
The query `QueryObject::ComputeSignedDistancePairwiseClosestPoints` evaluates the distance between two geometries. It reports the distance between them, "witness points" to that distance,…
I have installed the plugin and also open Modelica compiler(OpenModelica 1.16.0) is in my path. I have installed and added omc to my path in bash file like this:
Hi, Brian! 👋 I am currently using [ForwardDiff.jl](https://github.com/JuliaDiff/ForwardDiff.jl) within [TORA.jl](https://github.com/JuliaRobotics/TORA.jl) for computing Jacobians of user-defined vecto…
### What happened?
Just following this tutorial (https://drake.guzhaoyuan.com/to-get-started) and doing the first example it recommends (this one https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake/tree/master/…
### Description
I spent ages trying to diagnose why my model was returning these internal errors until I realised that there are several components in the standard library that produce internal err…
I'm running into two separate problems. (Note: I switched to `ikpy=3.2.2`, but it didn't fix anything)
### 1) When `single_body = true`
When I run `roslaunch ./hri_fullbody_visualize.launch sin…