### **Error:**
When I use the cli to make a transaction with the free API it returns 403
According to the Dutch Nao Team, penalty shootout works fine for one round (one defense, one offense) but devolves into chaos.
Robots seem to be incorrectly (un-)penalized, walking around, etc.
I am trying to use your library for my thesis but ran into a problem at the last step. When I try to run: nao_gestures [/home/storm/Documents/sample.bvh][]
I get the following error: n…
パソコンにUbuntu18.04を入れ直し、ROS melodic、jsk_naoqi_robot環境 (https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_robot/tree/master/jsk_naoqi_robot#setup-environment) をインストールしました。
When nao_lola is running on its own there is no issue, but when there is another node publishing joint commands, sometimes nao_lola will randomly segfault. The robot will run fine for 3 or 4 minutes i…
jsk_pepper_startup (またはpepper_bringup) では、
ロボットの関節角を動かすために `naoqi_pose/nodes/pose_controller.py` が必要で、
以下で `from naoqi_driver.naoqi_node import NaoqiNode` しています。
Hello Elliot,
I really thank you for your work. I tried to run your code with NAO. But it does not work for me.
i'm using Webots 2023a under Ubuntu 22 LST, I'm trying to use Supervisor based on the tutorial code, I'm getting this output:
traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Admin\Doc…
There is a calibration branch that adds some GUI things to Twix for faster calibration. This needs to be looked at to decide what can be migrated and used.
Time Estimation: 1 day
## Descrição da vaga
Fullstack Developer (Junior, Pleno, Senior)
O profissional atuará com as seguintes tecnologias:
- Banco de Dados
- Conhecimento em MVC
- Webservices