Plzz help me to solve this problem.
Scanning dependencies of target pyslam_utils
[ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/pyslam_utils.dir/utils_module.cpp.o
[ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/pysl…
I want to evaluate the rmse of different settings using the rgb-d tum dataset.
When I play rosbag:
`roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbdslam_datasets.launch rtabmapviz:=true rviz:=false `
I don't understand the 'Modifying ORBSLAM2' part. When I use 'make install', I meet the error 'No rule to make target 'install''. Can you me some hints?
Just as the title.
In some robotics application, it's necessary to know the **IR baseline (distance between IR projector and IR camera)**, because the IR projector and IR camera form a stereo pair.…
Hi,when i run the ros_node to view image,i found the image from topic "/camera/image_raw" is caton.And there is high picture delay when the bluerov move.So that i can't use the image to run the orbsla…
导致orbslam2 build的时候不通过
I am building for windows 10, visual studio 2017, I am down to four errors, in the g2o classes, and I am not sure of the fix here.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State…
I try to compile rtabmap with orbslam2 and realsense2.
-- Eigen found (include: /usr/local/include/eigen3, version: 3.3.5)
-- OpenNI found (include: /usr/include/ni, lib: /usr/lib/libOpenNI…
I want to compare my TUM data test from orbslam2 with the groundtruth.
Using the avo_rpe I receive a rmse of 0.02m.
But when I try to plot it both graphs are completely different:
For k4a_transformation functions of SDK, I have used the funciton k4a_transformation_depth_image_to_color_camera to get registered image pairs of color and depth. Both are 1024*768 resolution, a…