I am trying to use the SubPhaser to phase the subgenomes of my species. However, after filtering differential kmers, no differential kmers were remained. I used parameter of this `-k 15 -q 50 -…
I wonder if adding in a hashing algo would make this faster?
# pseudocode
sub count{
my($read) = @_;
for $kmer {
my $hash murmur3($kmer);
Hi Titus and co.,
I want to keep track of kmer locations in a genome so I can do some downstream visualisation of select kmers from a MinHash object. I'm currently extracting each kmer from the ge…
It suggests that flappie has separate models (r941_native and r941mC_native) for R9.4 MinION and PromethION flow cell. Can you please let me know if there is a way to extract the kmer model fro…
seem to have isolated it to this step:
minimap2 -a -t 2 -R "@RG\tID:run1\tSM:sample1\tLB:library1\tPL:ILLUMINA" refs/AF086833.fa reads/SRR1553425_1.fastq reads/SRR1553425_2.fastq | \
> samtools so…
This tool looks really cool. I'm trying to run it on some 10x scATAC data generated with cellranger atac 2.0.1. here is the command and directory I'm trying to run it in, and error I encounte…
A good job of rewriting of meryl. We found some issues of it in our tests too.
Is it OK to add kmer-mask support too? firstly it is OK to just add the support of the make of kmer-mask sourc…
I am circling back to Biobloomtools, hoping to use it for a contamination screening.
Could you please provide more info on whether it's possible to use it for long reads and what the FPR and K…
Dear author
I don't see the files needed to generate the drawing in the code you provided, as follows
If a significant change in methylation is detected, at which base pair is this change? Is it the position indicated by the pos column or perhaps the middle of the 5-bp kmer?