In /home/lee/catkin_ws/src/loamForHesai/include/loam_velodyne/LaserMapping.h you've missed a ';' line 138
I 'd like to use this robot model with lego-loam in a simulation environment. I have successfully complied this package, however it shows invalid tag as follows when I run run.launch file:
Any interaction or change in the 3D Map window causes a segmentation fault. I suspect this has something to do with VTK9.1, but I haven't worked with C++ in about 10 years, so I'm a little rusty. Log…
as we started discussed in the ROS related repository, it would be cool to explore the evolution to 3D, using the foundation we have already.
I started getting familiar with [Slam2D](https:/…
Hallo,I'm using LOAM now,it's so great! I have modified code with "modified on linux" and "add velodyne HDL64E support" The procedure has compiled successfully. But when I execute launch there is only…
Using the "nsh_indoor_outdoor.bag" bagfile provided by the author, I've launched "loam_velodyne.launch". After a few seconds, the node "multiScanRegistration" crashes with a segmentation fault. I have…
Now I am trying to test A-LOAM on kitti (velodyne laser data, 80 GB), as far as I know, we should try to transform them into ROS bag at first. (if it is not true, please point it out).
When I use t…
The current version of loam_velodyne has removed the IMU from the algorithm?
On my computer, the whole laserOdometry time is about 15ms, and the mapping optimization time is about 300 ms, the lidar type is velodyne's VLP16, the config of my computer is :
Intel® Core™ i7-8750H…