I've seen this issue brought up in other issues and I'm having it as well.
My urdf is fairly simple, you can have a look at it:
When you are viewing the model using `view_d435_model.launch`, this is the TF you get:
rosrun tf tf_echo camera_link camera_depth_frame
At time 1539958677.743
- Translation: [0.015, 0.018, 0…
peci1 updated
5 years ago
我看到您在https://github.com/hengli/camodocal项目里面留言了, 您是不是也用的CamOdomCalibration进行里程计和相机的标定?我最近这几天都在尝试用它标定,但是标定出来的结果完全不对,但是我尝试用里程计的数据乘以一个固定外参,输进去,就可以标定出这个固定外参,不知道是不是我的图像的位姿数据太差还是怎么的? 希望您能帮助我一下,非常感谢!
From: https://reviewable.io/reviews/robotlocomotion/drake/10959#-LaX1_PJ4UjFsxlYfPq8:-LapnPdt7Mziuu88TpmA:bu87cfd
> Previously, EricCousineau-TRI (Eric Cousineau) wrote…
> > BTW Is this achiev…
Moved the discussion from #4379. Currently the order is
[translation; quaternion; angular_velocity; linear_velocity]
This can cause confusing to users, since it puts translational part fir…
I am trying to change the orientation (not the position) of the end-effector according to what I do with the following command:
**rosrun kinova_demo pose_action_client.py -v -r j2n6s300 m…
I'm trying to build a 3d map. I have a tof camera. My porblem is that the base_link(i guess) is jumping a lot. So it rotates and changes it's position when a submap is published. And I also do not get…
After I applied the new technical preview 1 of AliceOS, Doki Doki Forces refuses to start after compiling.
The error I got is this one.
`I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
After i…
* `getTranslation` returns a 3-vector as expected
* `getQuaternion` returns a 7-vector that is the translation and quaternion
* `getRPY` returns a 6-vector that is the translation and rpy angles
Firstly, tbh I do not know the expected behaviour, so this might be moot.
label start:
label no_translate hide:
"This should not generate"