I tried using your library to perform a 3D semantic segmentation. I attempted to follow Sreeni's (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt73QWZQck4) tutorial, but I kept running into this erro…
Hello, really impressive work! Your dense occupancy label generation pipeline is very enlightening. I notice that SurroundOcc achieves SOTA results on 3d Semantic Occupancy prediction and 3D scene co…
Hello @yiyiliao,
Thank you so much for wonderful work and preparing a large dataset.
Actually I am working on this dataset. As you mentioned in http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti-360/ in documen…
Hello. First of all, I appreciate the sharing this repository.
I am interested in Semantic Segmentation.
The data that I'm trying to segment has additional depth information (stereo or Lidar).
If I…
Hi Toni,
I provided a colored pointcloud to the kimera-senantics node but it doesn't output a 3D Geometric scene.
I can see the ROS INFO : updating mesh in my terminal but not the timings message…
I want to do custom object detection, for the same I have captured the PCD images using the 3D camera and labeled it using "semantic-segmentation-editor" but how can I create a dataset with this for t…
Hi, I notice that you use the voting in the evaluation. It seems that voting is a common trick in 3d semantic segmentation, which can be found in many other method, such as PointConv, PointASNL, FPCon…
Looks like Mask3D ([https://jonasschult.github.io/Mask3D/] is the current best performing model for 3D semantic instance segmentation. Is there any plan for implementing it in mmdetection3d?
Institute: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.00652.pdf
Git: https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/pointSIFT Tensorflow
Author: [Cewu Lu](http://mvig.sjtu.edu.cn/publications/inde…
Is there any simple way to enable pointsPainting model training based on point pillars? I have semantic segmentation output for kitti 3d-od dataset.
Deepak Poddar