Chemistry(darkreaction) determined in oligoR1: darkreaction
Chemistry(darkreaction) determined in oligoR2: darkreaction
Chemistry(darkreaction) determined in cDNAR1 : darkreaction
2024-11-07 00:0…
I found that the repeat regions were not well aligned using the default parameters when I aligned the WGBS data to the hg38 genome. I am wondering if there are any recommended parameter settings for a…
Is it possible to specify reads files that are not in the current working directory?
Hi, I am using Cutadapt 4.9 version installed in an conda environment. I have some follow questions and I am getting confused on how to trim the adapters. I have adapter information from the paired en…
Hi @chbe-helix,
I hope this find you well.
When trying to repeat the tutorial HLA typing results with ILMN/NA12892 sample, I got the outputfile named "assembly_graph-hla.NA12892_extracted_1_fq…
Hi and first, thanks for the great work.
I tried to run Hostile to get the filtered result files and the removed read-pairs (Illumina paired-end data as input). What caught my eye is that the two r…
app: 10.0.3, 9.4.0
username: mubarak@hd_utthaan
env: prod
### What version are you using (`fq -v`)?
0.0.10 (darwin amd64)
0.2.0 (darwin amd64)
### How was fq installed?
brew install wader/tap/fq
### Can you reproduce the pro…
As the title says, I test --pre-trim-polyx or --post-trim-polyx for my PE read files, but unfortunately, polyA still remains in my R2 file.
The command I tested:
adapterremoval3 --pre-trim-poly…
### Description of the bug
When COMBINE_DATA() is run (when a sample is repeated) the path does not seem to be staged and the step fails.
I have tested this on both `main` and `inx_id` branches.