Hi, Thanks for developing purge_dups. I'm trying to run it on a genome assembly that is relatively low coverage (~17x). We used ONT (with high accuracy base calling) and the assembly was done with sha…
I use hifiasm with HiFi reads to construct primary contigs, and scaffolding with 3ddna pipeline. Although I obtain a relatively complete genome, with 92.9% of busco and 95% of primary contigs, the ext…
I am running **ert/bwa-mem2 mem** and I have a weird segmentation error occurring, which is file specific to the fasta file and happens in about 1/4 of my assembled genomes. It is very annoying as it …
Hi Alex,
I have a 10X V3 dataset composed of a mix of cells from Homo sapiens, Mus musculus and Canis familiaris. I created a fake merged genome from Ensembl files (v101) of the 3 organisms where t…
Thanks for the useful package you provided, I m trying to repeat your analysis on testdata so then I will use scFusion on my single cell RNA-seq ALL dataset to find fusion genes. I have an issu…
I believe that ["$PARAM_BAM_PREFIX"_total.bam](https://github.com/julienrichardalbert/MEA/blob/e3de228734bafd957cc2072dd8a6a0e84d554724/src/scripts/alignReads.sh#L291) should be either filtered by qua…
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[404] https://galaxyproject.org/tu…
Got the following example
> library(ensembldb)
> library(AnnotationHub)
> edb library(Pbase)
> ## Fetch the protein ENSP00000269305
> prot ## Mapping the protein domains to the genome wor…
Dear Authors
I am trying to map some genomic reads (nor transcriptome or RNA-seq) with medium to long size length (above 1-15 Kb). Is HISAT2 an appropriate tool to align these reads onto a referen…
I had ~37.8 million Illumina paired end sequencing reads (Plant whole genome with chloroplast and mito genome included). I tried assembling the Chloroplast genome where around 4.39 million read…