Hello, I tried using this repository but my knowledge in ros is rather mediocre. I am curious if this stack has cartesian control implementation or not.
It may be a stupid question, but I am stuck …
Could you maybe provide a little demo script using move it to control the robot? Would be really helpful for me.
Thank you in advance.
**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/gazebo-gh-pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/issues/1145)) by Andrew Hundt (Bitbucket: [ahundt](https://bitbucket.org/%7B1e508588-c010-4693-87e5-…
I'm currently having trouble commanding the CartesianPose of the robot. I am publishing a geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message to /iiwa/command/CartesianPose, but the robot is not moving. I see a potenti…
Hello !
I have been successful in establishing FRI using ROS. I am able to read joint_states and rostopic list gives me the topic /iiwa/TorqueController/command. I am trying to write a publisher node…
As part of the JOSS review (openjournals/joss-reviews#6138) API documentation is required. I am finding some documentation in the Readme, and some in the Wiki, but I don't believe this is sufficient. …
I am looking into using the stack to control my kuka iiwa robot.
I'm also thinking that I could use MoveIt to help me move the robot, and also in aiding in grasping of objects, is this somet…
Recently, I started using the lbr iiwa14 arm. I used the launch file code: sim.launch.py from the lbr_bringup package. I wanted to add a gripper to the arm to start performing pick and place operation…
I use this package(foxy) with moveit2, and I want to give robot dynamic desired pose. So I choose [moveit_servo](https://moveit.picknik.ai/foxy/doc/realtime_servo/realtime_servo_tutorial.html) to achi…
Hi @mhubii,
I had a question regarding the PID controller in the [filters.cpp](https://github.com/lbr-stack/lbr_fri_ros2_stack/blob/humble/lbr_fri_ros2/src/filters.cpp) file.
So, my understanding fr…