Error in if (max.ES > -min.ES) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I'm setting up an instance with docker-compose.
I load seed-cbioportal_hg19_hg38_v2.12.14.sql.gz to the database initiated with cgds.sql (either version 2.12.14 or 2.12.16)
When I load data, there …
I keep getting this error when I try to fetch tables using the `download_by = 'tsv'` argument after submitting a job using version 3. This is what I put in:
I'm using GMT files from MolSigDB for a bunch of things, and think that an auto-assignment of Gene to KEGG pathway would be useful, rather than requiring EC number in the counts file. This would …
Would it be possible to include the "exact source" field to the output of `getMsigdb`? In most cases, these are more standard identifiers than the uppercase names provided by the MSigDB. For example, …
Currently, the seed database (on database schema 2.6.0), contains the MSigDB gene sets. This is useful for testing validation and loading of test study `study_es_0`, as well as potentially loading any…
HI Chuiqin,
I met a problem like below when I run your tutorial, could you help me debug this issue? Thanks a ton!
> irGSEA.density.scatterplot(object = pbmc3k.final, method = "UCell", show.geneset …
The entries in the `gs_description` column for GO terms are rather long and not ideal for use as human-readable identifiers when plotting ORA or GSEA results. Would it be possible to add a `gs_brief_d…
Dear developers,
I love the clusterprofiler package and it simplifies my workflow for downstream analysis of clusters from single-cell data tremendously. I mainly use the gseGO and gseKEGG function…
Recently I have realized that there is a more hidden parameters called `maxGSSize`, which really influence the result of enricher/GSEA analysis. According to the raw code in DOSE,I think it may…