For the following s/blow5 header made with blue-crab (0.1.2) , it does not seem that slow5tools degrade (1.3.0) recognizes the ULK kit.
#slow5_version 0.2.0
#num_read_groups 1
I am hoping to perform transcriptome assembly using both nanopore long read sequencing data and illumina short read sequencing data. It appears RATTLE only permits the use of long read sequenci…
I'm analysing single-cell full-length RNA sequencing data. I would like to perform an analysis on alternative splicing exons, which has been mentioned multiple times in your research group's…
weib3 updated
5 months ago
It's OK In prod (e.g. here https://docs.lamin.ai/scrna#populate-metadata-registries-based-on-an-artifact)
I just saw it in a notebook from @sunnyosun
# 运行代码
$ source ~/dnbc4tools/dnbc4tools2.1.3/sourceC4.bash
$ genome=~/dnbc4tools/GRCh38_gencode_v44_ref/
$ ~/dnbc4tools/dnbc4tools2.1.3/dnbc4tools rna run --name D2_1 \
> --cDNAfastq1 ./HRR1822706…
I am interested in direct-RNAseq data analysis. In the introduction, you have specified the used sequencing kit as "SQK-LSK108", which I believe is a cDNA or gDNA kit and not a dRNA kit. Cou…
Discusses qPCR, RNA sequencing, single-cell RNA sequencing, and 16s rRNA Gene (DNA) sequencing.
# @grabear's Checklist
- [ ] Appropriate Content
- [ ] Well Formatted
- [ ] Working Links
- [ ]…
1. A comparison of automatic **cell identification** methods for single-cell RNA sequencing data
Article Link: https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-019-1795-z
2. Challen…
Hi there,
First of all, huge fan of this classification system, thank you so much for developing this!
I am currently using this tool on RNA sequencing data and was wondering if anyone has tried…
So, I performed direct RNA sequencing on nanopore and got fast5 files for them. When I do tombo resquiggle, should me reference fasta file by DNA or RNA sequence in fasta?
For instance, if I sequen…