I am a beginner at visual SLAM. Your codes and textbook are very useful for me to learn visual SLAM, thank you.
I have a question about "Practice: Stereo Visual
Odometry". I wonder how these codes…
Hello Xiang Gao,
First of all, I thank you for such a great version 1 of RGB-D slam tutor, and waiting for you to complete tutor2.
* Could you please help me with what data preprocessing should I d…
对于中文版第12.3.4章 图像间的变换 (英文版,11.3.4 Pre-transform the Image):
疑问:其中公式(12.12) - (12.14)中的"深度": `d_{R}` 和 `d_{C}` 是否用 `z_{R}` 和 `z_{C}` 更为妥当?
因为根据您在12.2.3 章中的符号用法: d 表示的是深度值(即连接光心与目标点向量的长度,即…
Every Step !I have fixed all the err or bug before “catkin_make.......”
I recieve the ERR (it seems like very EZ about grammer !!),,when I run "sudo "catkin_make --pkg sptam -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Re…
-pc:~/slambook/ch5/imageBasics/build$ ./imageBasics
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid
Aborted (core dumped)
| Required Info | |
|---------------------------------|------------------------------------------- |
| Camera M…
Hi @gaoxiang12 Thank you for this great learning source.
I just want to raise a small question about the image pyramid calculation you used in chapter 8 (optical flow estimation, direct pose estimati…
你好, 不好意思我的中文不太好。
I have started reading through your book and I really appreciate this resource. As I am going through it, I am already noticing instances where the translation could be improved. I…
First, I would like to thank you for this book, it is really a very good resource in the subject.
I didn't understand this phrase (in chapter 5, p105)
This is not an issue with the code but rather a question about mapping. Could you please point me to any sources with the help of which I can try to build a mapping program that would track and build …