### Description of feature
As raised in https://github.com/nf-core/fetchngs/pull/259#discussion_r1470946683 and https://github.com/nf-core/fetchngs/pull/259#discussion_r1470960788 we need to revisi…
I recently install your tool and I am constructing the necessary database.
I am however running into the below error.
Thank you for any help in advance.
2022-02-24 12:00:54,073 [INFO]…
(iSeq) [user@rlab coral-sra]$ iseq -i ERR9606776 -g -p 16 -a
Note: -a and -p options were used at the same time, -a will be used first
ERR9606776_1.fastq.gz 8.83G ERR9606776_2.fastq…
### The problem
Batch actions (blue bar) for tables is clipping and causes issues with items rendering absolute or other content outside of the bar. Making this bar not use clip or other wrappers wou…
Hello dear Aspera team,
In the current version of ascli there is an action to get a list of shared folders of a specific workspace:
**ascli aoc admin res workspace --id=19196 shared_folders**
First i download taxonomy:
kraken2-build --download-taxonomy --db viralsarsref --use-ftp
Downloading nucleotide gb accession to taxon map... done.
Downloading nucleotide wgs accession to ta…
I am trying to download the full db using Aspera and I got an error at step 9 :
Completed: 392708K bytes transferred in 58 seconds
(54553K bits/sec), in 14 files, 1 directory.
2022-02-15 …
Radicula palustris Moench. var. R. hispidula Robinson.....Québec
Rorippa hispida Britton...Ontario
Nasturtium terrestre hispidum, F.M...U.S.A.
Nasturtium ...USA
Nasturtium palustre, D.C....USA
I have ASCLI working on an AWS Graviton2 instance, but not for transfers. The ASCP directions show "Unknown CPU: aarch64". I heard there was an ASCP for ARM since Mac M1 development was going to be …
Error getting after the 12th
Excecuting the command below
microbeannotator_db_builder -d /scratch/jr5241/microbeannotator -m diamond -t 1 --no_aspera --step 12 --keep