I have been trying to run EarlGrey on my plant genome. Its a chromosome level assembly of 332Mb. The fasta file consists of 42 sequences with largest chromosome being 65Mb. The smallest sequences in t…
I'm trying to use the Capture function in Oligo to design probes against the mouse genome mm10. I'm using the following code:
`python design.py Capture -f GRCm38.primary_assembly.genome.…
I've followed the install instructions and am running a test on my dataset.
I am running with the following command:
```python3 mcclintock.py -r Iterative_pangenome_reveal_map_min10kb_u…
I got the following error:
The command was:
bedtools intersect -a /mnt/nvme0n1p1/ifengel/ChimeraTE/projects/chimera_test/tmp/TE_file.bed -wa -nonamecheck -b /mnt/nvme0n1p1/ifengel/C…
I use this pipeline to create genome alignment file with local mode. Here is my script
`make_chains.py human macAss hg38.2bit macAss.2bit --project_dir human_macAss --executor_queuesize 40`
Thanks for your work on this package!
I have been having issues trying to use EarlGrey as a non-root user on my university compute cluster. I followed the instructions under **Earl Grey In…
Hello Robert,
Hope all is well. Thank you for developing RepeatMasker!
I installed RepeatMasker via conda. I commonly encounter such a scenario: when annotating genomes with RepeatMasker, the ex…
Hello, Shujun!
I successfully ran EDTA on a genome with a _sensitive_ setting.
In the log file EDTA printed:
TE annotation using the EDTA library has finished! Check out:
biocbuild@kunpeng1 ~/git> R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data atena
* checking for file ‘atena/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* preparing ‘atena’:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... O…
RepeatModeler accepts a `-pa #` option to set the number of child processes it will fork, including for rmblastn tasks. However, [RepeatMasker::NCBIBlastSearchEngine by default invokes rmblast with `-…