Some of the DRs (mainly from bioCollect) are missing `imageID/imageIDs/multimedia` field in the occurrence while there are records with multimedia in the `index.avro` for that DR in the new index:
Exactly as the title says: if I want to run STAR-Fusion with multiple FASTQs, is it best to do one pass:
${STARFusion} --genome_lib_dir ${CTAT_resource_lib} \
--left_fq A_1.fastq.gz,B_1.fas…
fantastic tool, promises to solve a lot of our problems!
I managed to install it (Ubuntu 18.04, conda installation as proposed in https://github.com/SorenKarst/longread_umi/issues/36), but if…
scogi updated
2 years ago
I'm having a trouble running protect, and figuring out what exactly is failing, as the output is 4655 lines long.. I'm most probably just missing some parameters, but I'm not sure which ones exactly. …
Dear Kajitani,
After reading the paper and the great performance of this software I am trying to use MetaPlatanus for an hybrid assembly of human gut metagenomes. I installed the conda version in …
`/path/to/normal/1/file_r1.fq` --> `file_r1.trimgalore.ext`
`/path/to/normal/2/file_r1.fq` --> `file_r1.trimgalore.ext`
The quick fix is to rename these files and enforce a strict policy to have u…
["Snap"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snap_(package_manager)) is a popular package format that enables Linux users to install and run applications cross-distro.
In order to help potential users disc…
Dear Sir,
I have question I mapped reads on cds sequence through STAR I don't have gtf file and want to calculate read count using RSEM but I am stuck by error "RSEM error: RSEM currently does not …
When I run this command;
transrate --assembly transcripts.fa --left left.fq --right right.fq
I get:
Dependencies are missing:
- salmon (0.6.0)
You are running the packaged version of transra…
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