## Context
**Issue type** (bug report or feature request): Bug report
**Operating system** (e.g. Fedora 24, Mac OS 10.11, Windows 10): Windows 7
**Platform** (e.g. 64-bit x86, 32-bit ARM): 64 …
I am using svim-asm to identify the SVs from haplotype-resovled human genomes. However, there are multiple records in the same position, with same length and genotype, a case showed as followed…
Hello, thanks for the tool!
However, I have two ideas that could be nice to implement in the software.
The first is related to the use of multisample vcf. I think will be interesting if it can work …
# with ScaViSLAM compiled using with PCL support, with no CUDA support:
- running ./stereo_slam ../data/rgbd-Live.cfg in svs_build_with_pcl displays a frame with no content.
The command line shows …
Trying to call SVs on some rat sequences and want to try whamg.
whamg -a $GENOME –f SL150028.bwamem.unfilt.rmdup.sort.bam > SL150028.vcf 2> SL150028.err
Strangely, it seems to be finishing instan…
I have recently aligned the [CHM13](https://github.com/marbl/CHM13) v1.0 assembly from the T2T consortium to the reference genome GRCh38.p13. I subsequently tried to detect SVs from the CHM13 a…
### Description
Currently, HistoQC is using OpenSlide as WSI reader to manipulate whole-slide images. Unfortunately, OpenSlide is not really maintained anymore. It makes HistoQC only supports older f…
Hi, I got the OSError and CalledProcessError.
The file in bulk/ is 50M-100M.zip, but this file cannot be unzipped.
I first downloaded SKNAS-MboI-allReps-filtered.mcool, and submited the job in…
Bo-UT updated
2 years ago
## Context
**Issue type** (bug report or feature request): Different pixel value when opening same slide on Linux and Windows
**Operating system** (e.g. Fedora 24, Mac OS 10.11, Windows 10): Ubun…
* https://github.com/lvulliard/BioCircos.R
* https://github.com/nicgirault/circosJS