I'm trying to use MeGAMerge but I came across these errors, could you please help me ?
perl MeGAMerge-1.1.pl -overlap 200 -bindir /diag/software/MUMmer/ -bindir /diag/software/amos/bin/ -newblerdi…
Hi everyone !
I'm trying to use Canu in order to assemble the D. suzukii genome. As flies genome are genes dense (genes are very close to each others), and as the D. suzukii species contains a lot of…
Hi, I'm trying to install your software but I have a lot of problems. When I run "python3 setup.py test" there are some problems to find SPAdes and CD-HIT, I have those programs added to the path and …
trying to run the sample_data example, I have the following:
~/.linuxbrew/opt/funannotate/libexec/sample_data$ funannotate predict -i genome1.fasta -o genome1 -s "Genome one" \
--isolate fun…
I have been playing around with Falcon parameters assembling a heterodikaryotic fungus based on the recommendation here on github and the wiki. I am especially interested in the heterozygous part of t…
I'm trying to use your calculate_ani.py script to decide if different single-cell genomes might belong to the same species.
However, when using nucmer (ANIm) i get very strange results for perc_al…
Dear Author,
I am trying to reproduce the results published in your article. After installing circlator, and all the other dependencies i get a error:
Will need to add package to bioconda channel. Version 3.23 specifically.
Obtain from here:
Run make. That's it. There's a dozen or so binarie…
Dear authors,
I would like to know if there is an upper limit to the reference genomes, when trying to validate a metagenome. I have 73 genome sequences stored in separate files (multi fasta). I appe…
I'm getting the following error when running `circlator merge`:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/circlator", line 56, in
exec('circlator.tasks.' + task + '.run()')