I'm pretty new to ROS and was going about making some messages and service calls parameter based, but found it clunky. I found I just keep the same lines of code in the node, replacing some …
:~/tutorials_ws$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/robotvision/tutorials_ws
Source space: /home/robotvision/tutorials_ws/src
Build space: /home/robotvision/tutorials_ws/build
Devel space: /home/robotvi…
We are trying to upgrade the robot web tools dependencies to the latest ones in an effort to improve performace; see https://github.com/osrf/rvizweb/issues/8.
From https://github.com/osrf/rvizweb/i…
When building rviz from source on Xenial with `-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=python3` I end up with the following in my installspace:
$ find lib -name *rviz*
I had tried to build the package following the instruction in README.md, but "catkin build" command had failed because "catkin_pkg" was not found during "catkin_tools_prebuild" process.
When I try to use roslibjs in angular and the @types/roslib package, i get the following error:
ReferenceError: global is not defined
./node_modules/roslib/src/util/shim/WebSocket.js - WebSo…
I am trying to build the newest lanelet2 from git. I installed ROS Melodic from ros-melodic-ros-base in my Ubuntu 18.04 and then followed your installation instructions (including the extra de…
I entered IP address of the robot, went to Control tag, reloaded the page, but nothing changed.
rosbridge is running fine and other app (namely, this: http://labrom.eesc.usp.br/rosweb/) can connect…
While starting the docker container for [experiment branch] the node dies before I start to play around:
The log is:
Could we a version of the library released to the ROS2 build farm? As I understand it, this requires rosdep keys and preparing a bloom release. This would allow us to reference the BT library in our o…